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Numerically evaluate riemann theta functions to arbitrary precision in SageMath


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A Sagemath package for evaluating Riemann theta functions with characteristics numerically to arbitrary precision, as well as their derivatives. Noteworthy features include

  • Numerical computation allows directly for specification of characteristics of arbitrary level and partial derivatives.

  • The implementation is fully based on the mpfr numerical library, allowing computations to be performed to arbitrary precision.

  • Care has been taken to optimize the inner summation loop.

  • Partial derivatives are computed with respect to standard basis directions rather than general direction vectors, speeding up their computation.

  • A vector of partial derivatives of a theta function with given characteristic and evaluation point can be computed at once, leading to better performance.

  • A multi-precision implementation of Siegel reduction is included, which minimizes numerical inversion of matrices to improve numerical stability.

See for an online version of the documentation.


This package requires a functional installation of SageMath. Assuming that sage runs Sagemath and that you have write-permission on the sagemath install, you should be able to install this package into sage with something like

sage --pip install git+

If you do not have write permission on the sagemath install itself, you can get a copy of the repository by something like

git clone

With a command like

sage --python build

it is still possible to build the module. You will just have to make sure that in Sagemath, the variable sys.path contains a path that allows the built riemann_theta directory to be found. The PYTHONPATH environment variable may be useful for this. One can also install the package as a "user" package by executing

sage --python install --user

but pay attention to the warning: sage is by default configured to not look at per-user environments.


We give a not-quite-trivial example to show how high-precision computation of theta values of derivatives can be performed. We start out with computing the period matrix of a hyperelliptic curve. This part does not depend on the RiemannTheta package. Note that the routine in SageMath that we are using for it is not particularly optimized for hyperelliptic curves, but it does accurately compute the period matrix.

sage: A2.<x,y> = AffineSpace(QQ,2)
sage: C = Curve(y^2-(x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3)*(x-5)*(x-7)*(x-11))
sage: S = C.riemann_surface(prec=100)
sage: P = S.period_matrix()

In the next step we compute a Siegel-reduced form of the period matrix and determine the associated Riemann matrix. We use the function siegel_reduction implemented in this package. Note that the Siegel-reduced Riemann matrix is (up to numerical noise) purely imaginary. This corresponds to the fact that the Jacobian of C has fully real 2-torsion.

sage: from riemann_theta.riemann_theta import RiemannTheta
sage: from riemann_theta.siegel_reduction import siegel_reduction
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import numerical_inverse
sage: Phat,_=siegel_reduction(S.period_matrix())
sage: Omega1=Phat[:,:2]
sage: Omega2=Phat[:,2:]
sage: Omega1i=numerical_inverse(Omega1)
sage: Omega=Omega1i*Omega2
sage: Omega
[-7.8011194289838531805073979567e-30 + 1.1671310344746551076087021309*I 3.4425762821394314634952390910e-30 - 0.35345270733815781244031185050*I]
[2.8490278363936084454493573688e-30 - 0.35345270733815781244031185049*I -4.4530071618106610318109075688e-30 + 1.1671310344746551076087021308*I]

The core functionality for computing values of Riemann theta functions is wrapped in the RiemannTheta objects. It is straightforward to define given a Riemann matrix.

sage: RT=RiemannTheta(Omega)

We can now compute various theta values by calling RT. For instance, we can determine the Theta Nullwerte for all the characteristics of level two that are even. Note that we originally specified 100 bits of working precision for the computation of the period matrix. As a result, this is also the default working precision for theta function computations, and an error tolerance on that order is also used. See the documentation for a more precise description of accuracy. In this case it means we can expect accuracy to a scale of about 1e-30, so the results below are consistent with the theta nullwerte being real.

sage: even=[v for v in GF(2)^4 if v[:2]*v[2:] == 0]
sage: [RT(char=c) for c in even]
[1.1144371671760661900579907759 - 2.2245209708379392604550740950e-30*I,
 0.86939001225062635693112726895 - 5.8332049656999151052278805475e-30*I,
 0.86939001225062635693112726895 - 4.2557999759650246442341624472e-30*I,
 0.74295811145071079337199385061 - 5.5388522690261500486640893531e-30*I,
 0.98781776893257819408621995076 + 8.1097128711817717691533867715e-31*I,
 0.73106694475893467472188756816 - 1.3837409084796611764449360496e-30*I,
 0.98781776893257819408621995075 - 2.1060764585867519253398057132e-31*I,
 0.73106694475893467472188756815 - 4.0361977670924148216473724000e-30*I,
 0.90993413665803867386979701534 + 1.8613200183141326366117968651e-30*I,
 -0.37147905572535539668599692531 + 8.3661636800066730647588289922e-31*I]

To illustrate the evaluation of derivatives of theta functions, we also look at the gradients of the theta functions with odd characteristic at z=0. Note that we can specify the computation of a vector of derivatives for a particular characteristic and evaluation point. This is much more efficient than computing the values individually, because the terms in the relevant summation share a large, complicated, common factor.

sage: odd=[v for v in GF(2)^4 if v[:2]*v[2:] == 1]
sage: values=[vector(RT(char=c,derivs=[[0],[1]]))*Omega1i for c in odd]

Note that we transform the vector back to the original cohomology basis with which we computed the period matrix (Siegel reduction does not affect that basis choice). Since that computation used the standard basis choice for holomorphic differentials on hyperelliptic curves, we can recover the original coordinates of the Weierstrass points from these vectors.

sage: [-v[0]/v[1] for v in values]
[2.0000000000000000000000000000 - 7.0091471215108059368876376563e-30*I,
 3.0000000000000000000000000000 + 6.5927991812884960712012450964e-31*I,
 7.0000000000000000000000000001 + 8.8589481960431653437122937998e-30*I,
 4.9999999999999999999999999999 - 1.8525695031325416894889966906e-29*I,
 1.0000000000000000000000000000 - 3.3713670173205432864743721271e-32*I,
 11.000000000000000000000000000 - 4.8125082124651538238437865698e-29*I]


Numerically evaluate riemann theta functions to arbitrary precision in SageMath







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