It also has a tools section with things like a patch applier that can apply .patch files from things like Flex 2 or patch files made with "fc /b cm0102_original.exe cm0102_patched.exe > newpatch.patch"
An unfinished scouter, based on CM Scout, but allows you to view and sort by the "intrinsic" skills value (can load compressed and uncompressed saves)
Also there is a little officials.dat patcher for patching up referees as per recent discussions on getting too many red cards from recent updates:
The RGN Image Converter:
Competition History Editor:
Also allows you to add a fourth column to the attributes screen to show a players hidden attributes:
- Updated to support October 2024 Update
- New 1024x576 resolution added for user krx
- davdav's League and Competition Name Updates
- English Subs to 9 Named 5 Used.patch fix for when 7 Subs patch isn't used
- Added Swedish League Restructure.patch to 2023
- April 2024 Update Fixes for 2023 Year + Fixes
- Fix for History Editor
- Added Coup de France and Trophee des Champions Finals 95 Subs patch
- Added Uncapped 20s fix
- Allow secret unapply for external patches
- 2023: Freeze France to 18 Teams
- 2023: Add 2022 World Cup History
- 2023: Bruebous suggested default patches to Baseline(RemoveSecondNameRequirement, DontAskAboutPlayerComparison, Scout Role Offer)
- 2023: Yugoslavia to Serbia patch added (to completely remove any reference to Yugoslavia)
- "Go Home" Tool - Recreation of John Lockes tool to send International players back to their clubs
- Fix to use the right UEFA Coefficients (2023: ensures Italy has 3 champ leagues places)
- Transfer_Offer_Protection_Patch.patch Added
- Suppport for October 2023 Update
- New Logging Tools - All actions are now saved to the exe and can be viewed from the patcher
- AddNationCompHistory can now add in a 3rd place
- Fixed and updated protection patches being added in Year Specific
- Added South American World Cup Qualifier fix from Saturn patches
- Added Misc Patch: Increase Font Size By 1
- Added Misc Patch: UseCommonNamesForBrazilRegens
- History Editor fixes
- Reorder alphabetically the data after Year Specific patch (REORDERDATA patch command)
- April 2023 Data Tactics Support
- Scouter now support .PLS files (appending and saving)
- Fixed the FrenchRestructure patch
- Added Xeno's Portugal No Restrictions patch
- Add transfer status and discipline screen sensitivity patch to the patcher#s sensitivity patches
- Updated 2022 Patches with latest additions
- Added Tapani Relegation Patch (so Northern Ireland, Japan, Scotland have relegation in the bottom league)
- Additional Protection Patches to stop obscure crashes
- New Australia to Asia V2 patch (automatically moves Australia to Asia content in Data files)
- Added feligol's hard tactics as a tactics option
- MarkingAndPositionClampPatch now properly applies the limit to 100 rather than 75
- Removed Ligue 1 4 relegation places patch from 2022 patch
- Experimental UnApply for Misc Patches (will only work on small patches - if at all - use with extreme care)
- Replaced Yugoslavia with Serbia in the World Cup
- Corrected Italy Restructure (as per Andrea71's corrections)
- Added increased subs for England
- Added Xeno's increased competition registration patches to Misc Patches
- Updated to support the October 2022 Data Update:
- World Cup 2022 starting in Nov '22 in Qatar with all the right teams and groups (with an optional patch for those that want it to start in Summer '23)
- Euro 2024 plays in Germany
- Restructured Italy (thanks Andrea71 for all the details!)
- Restructured France (with 4 relegation spaces added for Ligue 1)
- San Marino/Smaller Teams now included in Euros (Tapani Patch)
- Plus most of the other patches included in the previous 2020 + 2021 patches.
- First cut of new Player Transfer Tool (for easy mass updates to data) - pretty untested!
- Fixed and added Points Reduction patch (Derby -21, Reading -12) to 2021 patches
- Added Xeno's FIFA World Cup 2022 Groups for 2021 patches
- Added a Null News Item Protection patch to stop a rare crash
- Fixed the History Loader (was broken in 2.21)
- Changed the Clamp for position and marking in Bug Fixes to 75 as per Fiestita
- Enabled the "World Cup first year add reputable teams.patch" for 2021
- Added a Misc Patch to make subs in Brazil + Copa Libertardores 9 (and enabled in 2021)
- Added a patch to make sure only reputable teams enter the Asia Cup
- Updated to support April 2022 Update (works with Oct 2021 too - now more stable (Gold Cup disabled))
- New Bug Fixes option (fixes bugs found by MadScientist and others in the core code (adds UnlockCreativity, MarkingAndPositionClampTo100 and EnsureCashDoesNotResetToZero))
- New Misc Patches (GoldCupCrashFixV2, MarkingAndPositionClampTo100, AllowVeryYoungPlayers, AllowFutureTransfersToBeFarOut)
- Improvements to Save Game changer
- Stability and bug fix changes to 2021 Year Specific Patches
- Added CONCACAF Cups to 2021 Year Specific Patches
- fairedinkum hosts updates
- Removed Super Keepers Beta v2 patch
- Remove English Southern Premier Central Division patch
- New 2021 Patches. Which includes:
- New main page screen to apply year specific patches
- Memory Fixes - Uses double the heap memory asks to ensure no crashes for Max Players
- Ensures Irish, Welsh and Portuguese Leagues have the teams they need
- Fairedinkum + Xeno patches for 2021 (including Tournaments and Hosts)
- Updated France + Italy Restructures
- Fixes Tournament history dates
- Sheffield Weds patch updated to work with April release (and changed to -6 points)
- Fix for Restrict Tactics patch when applying to 2004 patched exe
- Image Converter supports auto-crop and highest quality 64 colour conversion PCX files (for CM9798)
- Added Remove Mexico From Copa Libertadores and No MLS Foreign Restrictions patches
- Fix for Limerick renaming to Treaty United
- UnCap20s Misc Patch Fixed (Player Search now works correctly)
- 2020 Patch now has fixes for Golden Goal rules, Stuttgart and Qatar World Cup host
- Protection Patches updated (to workaround some crashes in cm0102)
- Added Misc Patch "Android11Patch" - For supporting CM0102 on Android 11
- Added Misc Patch "No Complaining About Training New Positions"
- Sort Club Names in History Editor now updates Club Rivalries too
- Moves Champions League to 22nd May for "All Tested 2020 + Saturn Patches"
- Extra crash protection for "All Tested 2020 + Saturn Patches"
- Add Scottish Playoffs + Relegation from Saturn to "All Tested 2020 + Saturn Patches"
- Add Taça de Portugal restructure to "All Tested 2020 + Saturn Patches"
- Fix GiveMoreOptionsInOfferDropDown so 10m shows properly
- Bug fixes to do with the 2020 patches
- Copa Argentina included in 2020 patches
- New patch command APPLYEXTERNALPATCH
- Misc Patches now has a button to copy all the applied patches to the clipboard for pasting to the forum
- "All Tested 2020 + Saturn Patches" misc patch updated. Compatibility updates and patches to protect against any crashes
- Updated Portugal + Italy's transfer windows (Thanks Milo + Deminio666)
- Fixed Re-ordering of clubs in History Loader (Staff "Favourite Clubs" was being broken)
- Crash protection Misc Patches ("protect_against_virtual_staff_195_error" and "Possible Argentinian Aug 1st Points Issue" added)
- Fixed Scouter "AM" issue
- FrenchSubsIncrease patch added to 2020 patches (included in "All Tested 2020 + Saturn Patches" patch)
- Includes Faire's updated Euro hostings
- Very minor update to fix small problems with the "All Tested 2020 + Saturn Patches"
- Remove Saturn's v8 "Russian new game start date" patch as that was causing issues
- Removed some "personal choice" patches being selected automatically by "All Tested 2020 + Saturn Patches"
- Fixed issue with German Super Cup being applied
- Patches can now run other Misc Patches. Misc Patch added "All Tested 2020 + Saturn Patches" which runs all the patches fairedinkum and I have been running and testing from Saturn's patches and others
- These including having the Copa America and Euros start in 2021 (as they do now because of COVID)
- Hosts updated for International Tournaments (Euros, World Cup, Olympics, etc)
- Version 2 of the beta of a toned down superkeepers patch
- Fixes to the Scouter for recognising Wingbacks and showing second nationality
- Some bug fixes around Name Patching and Misc Patches
- Added a 2020 folder to Misc Patches with the most relevant current patches (French + Italy Restructure, etc)
- Lots more updates for the "Update Names" option for Competitions and Awards (nearly at parity with Saturn's Rename 1.4.8 patch)
- Scouter can now accurately determine if a player is already committed to a transfer (and therefore unavailable)
- Added Misc Patches: IncreasePromotionToDivision3To2Places, TapaniHighlightPlayersInSearch and StopYoungstersAlwaysRejectingOffers patches
- "Remove Duplicates" functionality added to History Loader
- More leagues and award names updated with "Updates Names + transfer windows" option
- Misc Patched: 2020_Nov_ShefWeds_Minus_12_Points (for Nov 2020 Data Update, sets Sheffield Wednesday to start with -12 points), 9and5SubsForEverything (makes every competition have 9 subs with 5 you can use), hodgy's CombineApps patches, John Locke's JL_MakeAttributesShowAsStars patch and the 2020_Nov_France_Restructure patch (for restructuring the French leagues for the November 2020 update)
- Update to Date Patching to correct World Cup/Euro years when patching to 2020
- Display more information on patches in Misc Patches (now reads the .info files too)
- Misc Patches can now be searched easily with a text filter
- Added support for changing a teams league in patch files (Example: CHANGECLUBDIVISION: "FC Crotone" "Italian Serie A")
- Enable 7 Substitutes now increases the subs for the English League Cup
- Added the following Misc Patches: DontRejectOffersV2 (Stops Chairman rejecting offers), AllowYoungAndOld (Allows very young or old staff/players), RetirePatchV3 (Ensures players do not retire until at least 34), FixSaturnFrenchJokerWindowPatch (A fix for Saturn's French Joker Window Patch), NoTransferFundCountryBiasV2 (Countries, like Germany, don't start off with signifcantly less access to funds), TapaniSpacePatch (Patch Tapani uses to add space for his other patches. Might be required by some patches), Remove4MonthLoanLimit (Update to work for Scotland too), EnsureCashDoesNotResetToZero (Patch to ensure your money does not reset to 0 once over 2 Billion (needs TapaniSpacePatch).
- Also added to Misc Patches: 2020_Nov_Italy_Restructure.patch - using the new CHANGECLUBDIVISION option available in patches, this changes Serie A + B to 20 teams. Only use with the November 2020 data update.
- Fix hidden attributes option to work with all CPUs and Emulation (Wine, Exadata, etc)
- Fix Scoreboard patch alignment (in Misc Patches)
- More patches for 3.9.65 (In Misc Patches)
- fairedinkum's patches (AllowInstantSquadStatusBiddingReset, EPLFixtureFixes, SaturnPatchUpdateEuroBidHostsFor2019, SaturnPatchUpdateWCHostsFor2019)
- Reorder Club Name Tool (To list teams in alphabetical order in the league tables before games any games are played - untested!)
- First cut of "Super Keepers" patch
- Option to replace Tactics with a different Tactics pack
- Will change your player name to a pink colour if playing with restricting tactics and scouters (so screenshots prove you are playing with restrictions)
- Addded AlwaysRegenToNewGoodCountry and PauseOnMinorInjury patches to Misc Patches
- Image converter now supports .hsr as an extension (History Image Files)
- Enable "Show hidden attributes" works for Saturn/Tapani exe's too
- Updated NicksFitnessPatchV3 and SeeAnyTeamsFinancesV2 patches
- Show "Enable your potential to grow" checked on Tapani/Saturn exe's
- Bug fix for S.Korea->China Patch and Wales->Lower English Leagues
- Added "Show hidden attributes" which adds a fourth column to the attributes screen
- Misc Patches Added: CleanUpOnCloseWindow, Uncap20s, MakeFutureLineProperlyTransparent, Fitness, NicksFitness, BTeamsIncreaseTo50Players, SeeAnyTeamsFinances and ScoreboardPatch
- Added Tapani code to enable your manager's "potential" to grow as you play the game
- Let the date be set all the way back to 1950+ rather than 1980+
- Updated xeno's regen fix code to stop regens goign to clubs with 45+ players
- Added some 3.9.65 patches to Misc Patches
- Allow you to force Referees discipline to a fixed value in the Referee Patcher
- Fix for renaming competitions and running in a foreign language
- Basic Year Shifter tool in History Editor
- Misc Patches now detects patches previously applied
- Staff History Editor Added
- Competition/Name Renaming Updated: England, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Germany + Poland leagues/cups now renamed.
- Award Names Updates: Just England so far
- Save Scouter now allows searching by nationality
- Brightness control added to RGN Converter
- Date changing code now patches it so there is zero season ticket money in the first year
- Code to expand the Executable to 9mb when needed
- Now patches eng.lng when changing names to cope with loading game in a different language
- Misc Patch "SwapNationalLeagueNorthForSouthernPremierOnSaturn" Added
- Misc Patch "PolishFACupRemove2ndLegs" Added
- Fix when turning off coloured attributes
- Add Staff Comps to History Editor
- Updates to Loan patches in Misc Patches
- Added Competition History Editor
- Added extra Misc Patches (IgnorePlayerHistoriesOnLoad, Wales Patch, Remove4MonthLoanLimit)
- Protect against users trying to patch running executables
- Big Change: Patcher no longer changes the Date by modifying Data files - it does it all in the exe now (unless changing to before 2001)
- Big Change: Patcher now detects what patches have been applied and allows you to toggle them on and off
- Support for working on PlayOnMac
- Slight fix to the image cropping
- Alternative "Give More Options In Offers DropDown" Misc Patch
- Better support for starting before 2001 (mainly to work around Dec 27th '01 crash)
- Northern League patch now supports relegating teams as well as promoting them
- Scouter Copy To Clipboard (for pasting to Excel) now saves what's filtered rather than everything
- Save Game Changer now has option to Move a player to another Team
- Patcher now warns user if they are about to make a change that is "irreversible" (i.e. without restoring/reinstalling)
- Increase Number of Loans Allowed patch added to Misc Patches
- Show Private Bids Patch added to Misc Patches (in case you have applied Hide Private Bids previously in error)
- Added FixNetworkGames Patch to Misc Patches (This can be applied to Saturn v9 to make it work in Win95 more required for Network games)
- Save Scouter can now exclude those already about to be transferred in the filter
- Save Scouter font size increased
- Added No Foreign Player restrictions patches to Misc Patches
- Updated Save Game Changer to support setting all contract start dates back a year (stops all teams refusing to sell because they bought recently)
- Updated Save Game Changer to support setting the Current Reputation to a maxium of 5000 (stops all players being completely indispensable to the big clubs)
- Fixed minor bugs in the Scouter
- Prompts users to create a Restore Point before they apply changes. This way they should be able to revert by clicking Restore in case of issues.
- Correctly handles reverting back to 800x600 now
- New tool Save Game Changer - this can reduce stats in Saved Games that have run long and add in some of the special players from the original CM0102
- Minor fix in the image cropping code
- Handle changing the year to before 2000 better
- Scouter now uncaps the 0-20 limit, so if a player really has as stat at above 20, it will show what it would be
- Scouter now reads in some contract details
- Updated Misc Patches and added a few more descriptions
- Fixed RGN Converter when outputting to directories from Tools
- Increase font of Scouter grid
- Save Scouter can now filter by Scouter Rating
- Misc Patches improved and expanded (includes MadScientist's Creativity fix and other recently found patches)
- Fixed issue with stadium expansion patch
- Better checking for Tapani/Saturn .EXEs
- Lock the exe when patching (stops write errors)
- Welsh -> English suspensions on Northern Patch (from Saturn v3 patches)
- Added Attribute Masking Off By Default Patch
- More generic Euro Fix for 2019
- Test Support for Patching Process Memory rather than the exe itself
- Includes Inline Full Date Including History Patching. Not currently enabled.
- Fix for 2012 year change. Should fix setting to 2020.
- Option in Tools to remove Stadium Expansion limits
- Misc patches have Saturn v8 options and points deduction patch (Experts Only!)
- Tapani exe detection to make usage more foolproof for Saturn exes
- Resolution patching fixes
- "Page Down" patch in misc patches
- Fixed issue with Leap Year dates (meaning some DoBs were off by one). Thanks again MrFoo!
- Added playable China league (swaps out S.Korea)
- Better Image Error Handling for Mr.Foo.
- Better Patching (Handles /* */ to a degree)
- Support multiple resolutions (Beta: Not fully tested)
- Auto-fix Euros Crash when setting year to 2019
- Updated "Saturn Patches" to "Misc Patches" and added a few bits
- Very minor fix to inflation currency patch (PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4] issue)
- Idle Sensitivity now also works on transfer screen
- Ctrl+Shift+N to clear options
- More 7 Subs fixes
- Image Converter can now go RGN->PNG/BMP/JPG
- Experimental changes to make exe portable
- 3.9.60 patches added to Saturn patches
- NoCD for CM00/01
- Year Changer coded for CM00/01
- Fixes a crash when using the RGN Converter multiple times (Thanks MrFoo for letting me know!)
- Adds all the Saturn patches as options to add (Experts Only! Don't use unless you know what you're doing!)
- Lots of improvements to the Scouter
- Fixed jobs abroad boost
- Fixed issues when setting the Welsh Premier to be the Nation League South
- Manage background league teams fixed
- Can also hide Load Preset and recently used tactics when restricting tactics
- Option to stop loading of tactics and changing of wib-wob
- Change also stop scouters (like CMScout) working on your save games
- Added the National League South as a new option to replace the Welsh Premier
- Added the National League North (replaces Welsh Premier)
- Added the Southern Premier Division (replaces Welsh Premier). If using 2018/19 update creates league with current teams.
- Added auto cropping to keep aspect ratio when going 800x600 -> 1280x800
- Added cropping to RGN conversion tools
- Added option to remove 3 foreign player restriction
- EEC Hack supports uncompressed save game files too
- Added "Restore Points" to save Exe, Data and Pictures
- Fixed the World Cup history being on odd years (didn't affect future world cup dates/years)
- Fixed the League Selection text (would say England 18/09 - was just a cosmetic bug)
- Save Scouter improved and fixed. Can now filter on attributes.
- Fix for Euro.cfg when updating Holland->Netherlands
- Scouter now has presets for columns selection
- Removed Player Search Finds All Players and changed with Manage Any Team
- Fixes for player_setup.cfg (which affected Loans and Injuries)
- Fix to workaround any bad truncation in history data files
- Improvements to the Scouter
- Transfer Window Patch (from Saturn's patches) added to "Update names"
- New RGN Image converter in Tools (BMP/JPG/PNG/RGN -> RGN with resizing)
- Inflation Multiplier can now be less than one
- Tapani's new regen code can now be added (preferred for long games)
- Sped up the RGN converting
- Option to update names (Beta! - Currently does English leagues, Europa and Champs League)
- 7 Subs for French
- Intrinsic Scouter updated (MadScientist's filter code)
- Added back the 1280x800 resolution patch! Now working and will resize all your 800x600 images to 1280x800 - so any graphics pack that works with 800x600 can automatically convert to working in 1280x800!
- CM Scout inspired Save Scouter which also shows Intrinsic values - yet to be finished! So very Alpha!
- History (players, competitions, etc) is also advanced in time when changing the start year
- Removed the 1280x800 resolution patch option until I can get it fully working
- Added option to boost the chances when applying for jobs abroad