Urutau is a modular pipeline tool developed to work with fits files and multithreading.
Urutau requires Python 3.10 and the following python libraries:
- astropy
- pandas
- scipy
They are very popular libraries used in astronomy, but, in case they are not installed in your machine, urutau's installation should include them automatically.
In order to install the package, just run the following command on your terminal:
pip install urutau@git+https://github.com/ndmallmann/urutau.git
Alternatively, you could clone the repository and install it using the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/ndmallmann/urutau.git
pip install urutau/
conda create -n urutau python=3.10
source activate urutau
pip install urutau@git+https://github.com/ndmallmann/urutau.git
Urutau was developed for users to quickly assemble a pipeline for astronomy FITS files as well as process multiple datacubes in parallel.
The user feeds the software a series of modules to be executed in sequence (pipeline) as well as a list of target datacubes as input.
Each module can be configured based on default/general parameters (such as the name of the HDU extension to be used during the computations).
Each target can be loaded with specific parameters that will be automatically fed to each module in the pipeline (such as the redshift).
As an example, here's a bit of code that generates data based on a FLUX HDU with resampled X and Y dimension:
from urutau import Urutau
from urutau.modules import SpatialResampler
ur = Urutau(num_threads = 1)
resampler_config = {
"hdu target": "DATA",
"data type": "flux",
"resampler size": 4
ur.add_module(SpatialResampler, resampler_config)
This snippet of code uses one single module (SpatialResampler) to resize the spatial dimensions of the "DATA" HDU from all the cubes inside the directory "./cubes/" and listed in "./target_parameters.csv".
See another example code here.
Simple example to run URUTAU with Starlight (http://www.starlight.ufsc.br/) on NIRSPEC/JWST cubes
You can see the script here
Urutau to run starlight on JWST NIRSPEC datacubes
from urutau import Urutau
from urutau.modules import (
def nirspec_JWST():
# Start urutau with 3 threads
urutau = Urutau(num_threads = 1)
# First spectral resampler for the data hdu
data_spec_resample_cfg = {
"hdu target": "SCI",
"data type": "flux",
"resample size": 1.
urutau.add_module(SpectralResampler, data_spec_resample_cfg)
# Second spectral resampler for the stat hdu
stat_spec_resample_cfg = {
"hdu target": "ERR",
"data type": "error",
"resample size": 1.
urutau.add_module(SpectralResampler, stat_spec_resample_cfg)
# Signal To Noise Mask With Error
sn_mask_cfg = {
"hdu flux": "SCI_BIN",
"hdu error": "ERR_BIN",
"sn window": [21910.00, 21966.00],
"thresholds": [5, 10]
urutau.add_module(SNMaskWithError, sn_mask_cfg)
# Run Starlight
population_ages = {
"xyy": (2., 1E7),
"xyo": (1E7, 5.6E7),
"xiy": (5.6E7, 5E8),
"xii": (5E8, 8E8),
"xio": (8E8, 2E9),
"xo": (2E9, 13E9)
# SFR from stellar populations (see Riffel+2021 for details) this is just an example
sfr_age_par = {
"SFR_100": (2.,1.E8),
"SFR_200": (2.,2.E8)
# AGN featureless and hot dust components (see Riffel+2009 for details)
fc_par = {
"FC_25": (0.25,0.25),
"FC_50": (0.5,0.5),
"FC_75": (0.75,0.75),
"FC_tot": (0.245,0.75)
bb_par = {
"BB_Cool": (699,1000),
"BB_hot": (1000,1400),
"BB_Tot": (699,1400)
# Setting up all the configurations
starlight_cfg = {
"starlight path": "/home/riffel/WorkOn/nirspec_JWST/starlight/StarlightChains.exe",
"default grid file": "/home/riffel/WorkOn/nirspec_JWST/starlight/grid_example.inp",
"hdu flux": "SCI_BIN",
"hdu error": "ERR_BIN",
"hdu flag": "SN_MASKS_5",
"number of threads": 48 ,
"population ages": population_ages,
"sfr ages" : sfr_age_par,
"fc exps": fc_par,
"bb temps": bb_par,
"keep tmp": True,
urutau.add_module(StarlightOnUrutau, starlight_cfg)
# Load targets
# Execute urutau
urutau.execute("./runs/", save_config=True, debug=True)
if __name__=="__main__":
just save this in a script to run it or download it here
Simple example to run URUTAU with Starlight (http://www.starlight.ufsc.br/) on MaNGA cubes
You can see the script here
Urutau for MANGA
from urutau import Urutau
from urutau.modules import (
def quick_manga():
# Start urutau with 3 threads
urutau = Urutau(num_threads = 1)
# First BW filter for the data hdu
data_BW_cfg = {
"hdu flux": "FLUX",
"order": 3,
"range": 0.3
urutau.add_module(ButterworthFilter, data_BW_cfg)
# Run Starlight
population_ages = {
"xyy": (0., 1E7),
"xyo": (1E7, 5.6E7),
"xiy": (5.6E7, 5E8),
"xii": (5E8, 8E8),
"xio": (8E8, 2E9),
"xo": (2E9, 13E9)
# Just an example
sfr_age_par = {
"SFR_1E6": (2,1.001E6),
"SFR_5E6": (2,5.621E6),
"SFR_10E6": (2,10.001E6),
"SFR_20E6": (2,20.001E6),
"SFR_30E6": (2,31.6001E6),
"SFR_56E6": (2,56.201E6),
"SFR_200E6": (2,200.001E6)
# AGN featureless just an example
fc_par = {
"FC_150": (1.49,1.51)
# Note that you can use the MaNGA spectral Mask in the hdu flag
starlight_cfg = {
"starlight path": "./starlight/StarlightChains_v04.amd64_g77-3.4.6-r1_static.exe",
"default grid file": "./starlight/reference_grid_manga.in",
"hdu flux": "FLUX_BW",
"hdu ivar": "IVAR",
"hdu flag": "SN_MASKS_1",
"number of threads": 16 ,
"population ages": population_ages,
"sfr ages" : sfr_age_par,
"fc exps": fc_par,
"keep tmp": True
urutau.add_module(StarlightOnUrutau, starlight_cfg)
# Load targets
# Execute urutau
urutau.execute("./mangaTest/out/", save_config=True, debug=True)
if __name__=="__main__":
target,redshift,galaxy distance,ebv
1 [Number of fits to run]
/basesdir/ [base_dir]
/obsdir/ [obs_dir]
/mask_dir/ [mask_dir]
/Output/ [out_dir]
123456 [your phone number]
5650.0 [llow_SN] lower-lambda of S/N window
5750.0 [lupp_SN] upper-lambda of S/N window
4800.0 [Olsyn_ini] lower-lambda for fit
6850.0 [Olsyn_fin] upper-lambda for fit
1.0 [Odlsyn] delta-lambda for fit
1.0 [fscale_chi2] fudge-factor for chi2
FIT [FIT/FXK] Fit or Fix kinematics
1 [IsErrSpecAvailable] 1/0 = Yes/No
1 [IsFlagSpecAvailable] 1/0 = Yes/No
mock.spec StCv04.C11.config BaseM23UN130SY Masks.EmLines.SDSS.gm CCM 0.0 150.0 mock_out.spec
Urutau wouldn't be very useful without the possibility of creating modules for the pipeline.
In order to create a module, the user needs to import the base module (an abstract class) created for this software as exemplified here:
from astropy.io import fits
from urutau.modules import AbstractModule
class MyModule(AbstractModule):
My module doc
def _set_init_default_parameters(self) -> None:
def execute(self, input_hdu: fits.HDUList) -> fits.HDUList:
as a requirement, the module must define the methods "_set_init_default_parameters" and "execute".
Here is an example of how to create a very simple module.