Index wikipedia data using ColBERT v2. For now, with the initial english-only wiki data, we'll be using the pretrained ColBERTv2 weights from Omar's repo.
git pull --recurse-submodules
conda env create -f third_party/ColBERT/conda_env.yml
conda activate colbert-v0.4
python index/
Translate queries into english.
python translate/
Using the english translated queries, retrieve the top passages from the indexed english wiki data. Retrieval is done with ColBERT.
conda activate colbert-v0.4
python retrieve/
Using the inital (non-translated) queries and the retrieved english passages, generate answers with mT5
conda activate base
python generate/ --dev_fp data/colbert_outputs.json --output_dir data/converted_retriever_results
python generate/ --model_name_or_path data/mgen_mia_train_data_non_iterative_augmented/best_ckpt/ --evaluation_set data/converted_retriever_results/val.source --gold_data_path data/converted_retriever_results/gold_para_qa_data_dev.jsonl --predictions_path data/results/eval_results.txt --gold_data_mode qa --model_type mt5 --max_length 20 --eval_batch_size 4
With the generated answers, evaluate test metrics