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React Typescript Boilerplate

To run the project install the required dependencies, make sure you have yarn installed

yarn install

To start developing

yarn start

To test the project, make sure you have json-server installed as a global:

npm install -g json-server


yarn test

To run the storybook local server

yarn storybook

To build the distribution version:

yarn run build

Component folder structure

Each component has its own folder, that folder contains a Component.tsx (Component definition), a Component.scss that contains all the styles of the component, a __tests__ folder, that contains .cases.tsx, .story.tsx and .spec.tsx files (for more info see Test process section), ie:

+-- MyComponent
|   +-- MyComponent.tsx
|   +-- MyComponent.scss
|   +-- __tests__
|		+--MyComponent.cases.tsx
|		+--MyComponent.story.tsx
|		+--MyComponent.spec.tsx

Test process

To test your components you have to put a __tests__ folder inside the same folder component (see component structure folder section).


In this file you have to put all the possible test cases MyComponent.tsx, import the needed dependencies and export the Cases var, Cases is an object with the possible cases as keys and the possible component props as values, ie:

import MyComponent, { IMyComponentProps } from '../MyComponent';

let Cases : {[id:string]:IMyComponentProps} = {};

Cases['Defined name'] = {
  name:'My component name'

Cases['Undefined Name'] = {};

export default Cases;


In this file you have to iterate over the Cases exported by MyComponent.cases.tsx file, and use the @kadira/storybook dependence to render all the possible cases, ie:

import * as React from "react";
import { storiesOf, action } from "@kadira/storybook";
import Cases from "./MyComponent.cases";
import MyComponent from '../MyComponent';

const story = storiesOf('<MyComponent />', module);
let key: string;

function element(iKey: string) {
    return function () {
        return <MyComponent {...Cases[iKey]} />

for (key in Cases) {
    story.add(key, element(key))


  • You can run yarn storybook to see all the component stories of your .cases.tsx file in the browser at http://localhost:6000, that's possible because .story.tsx file.


In this file you are able to test MyComponent.tsx specs helping with Jest and Enzyme, ie:

/// <reference types='jest' />

import * as React from 'react';
import  MyComponent from '../MyComponent';
import  Cases from './MyComponent.cases';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';

describe('MyComponent', () => {
  let myComponent:any;

  describe('Defined name', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      myComponent = mount(<myComponent {...Cases['Defined name']} />);

    it('should render correctly ', () => {
	expect(myComponent.find('h1').first().text()).toEqual(myComponent.props().name    });


  • To run the tests yarn test , The $CODECOV_TOKEN env var can be set to send a code coverage report to codecov service.

CSS modules

Each component has its own .scss file, you can use the defined styles importing it directly into the Component.tsx (See Component folder structure), ie:


.title {
	font-size: 2rem;
	color: blue;


import * as React from 'react';
let styles = require('MyComponent.scss')

export IMyComponentProps {

export default class MyComponent extends React.Component<IMyComponentProps, {}>{
	static defaultProps = {
		name: 'Anonymous'
		const { name } = this.props;
		return <div><h1 className={styles.title}>Hello {name}!!!</h1></div>

For more info about css-modules :

Missing typings

For the use of new dependencies make sure the typing definitions exists, first try to run

yarn add @types/my-dependence --dev

and check if the dependence typing match/exist, if the dependence typing does not exist, you have to write it.

To write your dependence type definition, create a folder with the dependence name into the types folder at the root of the project, and inside the new folder create a index.d.ts file, ie:

+-- types
|   +-- my-dependence
|		+--index.d.ts

To write your file please check this resource:

In some cases the typing definitions for some dependences are already defined, but maybe the right way to import this is unknown, in that case check this resource:


menshend-ui is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.