o is a small, UNIX-friendly file finder and opener.
It works with fzf (in the terminal) and dmenu (elsewhere) to provide a configurable way to... well... open things.
Every system is different, so there's no functionality by default. Rather,
subcommands are defined manually in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/o/config.yml
For example: To find and open an image using the below configuration, simply run:
$ o images
If you're currently in a terminal or tty, this will pull up fzf with all of the
files in all of the directories listed in the images
category. If running
outside of a tty, you'll see the same list but piped through dmenu instead.
Configuration is fairly straightforward. The following example contains all of the options currently supported.
# ~/.config/o/config.yml
# categories are user-defined subcommands
# usage:
# dirs: look in which directories?
# filetypes: which filetypes should be included?
# include: limit the search to any specific patterns?
# ignored: which patterns should be ignored (if any)?
# command: open files with which command? (default: xdg-open)
# full-path: select using the full path, or just the file name?
# terminal: does the command run in the terminal? (default: false)
# basic example (view images using xdg-open)
dirs: ["~/Images/"]
filetypes: [".jpg", ".png"]
ignored: ["*/screenshots/*"]
# gui example (view pdfs using zathura)
dirs: ["~/Documents/", "~/Downloads"]
filetypes: [".pdf"]
command: "zathura"
# tty example (edit local files using nvim)
dirs: ["."]
command: "nvim"
full-path: true
terminal: true
Be aware that o is in very early development. Not all planned features have been implemented yet, and there are bound to be many bugs and changes over the next few months. I'm trying to maintain backward compatibility, but things might break every now and then.