Hey this is www.needMoreLumber.com
It's a place to create and share build orders for warcraft 3, and use those builds to help you in game.
Feel free to open issues or pull requests. See below for how to get this running locally.
Installation instructions can be found here.
Mac and Windows' docker installation comes with docker-compose preinstalled. For linux Follow the instructions here.
Make sure to follow the post-install instructions, too.
Check that your docker and docker-compose are actually installed!
$ docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.17.0, build ac53b73
$ docker -v
Docker version 18.09.3, build 774a1f4
You should get output that looks like the above. The versions may differ but this shows you at least have the right things installed.
Now for the magic. From root, run
docker-compose up
after this has completed you should be able to visit http://localhost:3000/ and your local is set up.
NeedMoreLumber is open source and under the APGL-3.0 license. This means you're free to steal it if you want but it has to be open source with the same license. So if you want to steal our code and build NeedMoreGold.com that's fine, actually please do so you can pay for hosting costs!
Otherwise just open an issue or pull request and we'll try to make NML the best it can be.