- User Login, Register, Forgot Password, Change Password, etc
- Admin Login, Register, Forgot Password, Change Password, etc
- Users have a dashboard where they can find his/her favourite article.
- Users can edit their profile - Photo, name, social links etc.
- User can add news to read later.
- Admin have dashboard where in he/she can create news, manage news etc.
- Edit profile with bunch of options.
- Admin User has all the options that normal user have.
- User can offline the articles to read, Service workers has been written to perform this action.
- User can access articles offline.
- News will be summarized into 150-100 words.
- Sentiment analysis is perform on user comments to get information about the article.
- News Classification is done to approximately predict if the news is real or fake.
- Instagram like webstories are added to view the articles. (data comes through api)
- Amp.dev was used.