This is a repository for teaching the basics of statistics for data science and machine learning. It is intended for use in an introductory data science class.
This material can also be used by working professionals or lay people who want to learn the basics of data science, statistics and machine learning.
Type 1 errors, Type 2 errors and p value
Power and Type 2 error
p value
q value and false discovery rate
CONCEPT: look at distribution of p-values. q-value tells us the expected fraction of false positives in the significant tests below this threshold.
Power calculation
power.t.test(n = NULL, power = .95, sd = 5, alternative = "two.sided", sig.level = 0.001, delta = 0.1)
Bias variance tradeoff
VERY GOOD picture explanation
My lecture on the bias variance tradeoff
Cross validation
Confidence intervals
How many standard deviations from the mean must you go to capture 95% of the scores
Computing 95% confidence intervals Mean +/- 1.96 * std/sqrt(no of samples)
ci_alpha <- 0.05 qnorm(ci_alpha / 2) qnorm(1 - (ci_alpha/2)) 95% of the probability mass is found in about 2 standard deviations of the mean (see video below) boostrapped confidence intervals using confint(x, method = 'boot') d <- data.frame(w=rnorm(100), x=rnorm(100), y=sample(LETTERS[1:2], 100, replace=TRUE), z=sample(LETTERS[3:4], 100, replace=TRUE) ) do GLM on this new data frame fm2 <- glm(y ~ w + x + z, data=d, family=binomial) confint(object = fm2, method = 'boot') lb = quantile(list_auc, 0.025) ub = quantile(list_auc, 0.975) mean = mean(list_uac) also in Python and R empirical 95% confidence interval lb = np.percentile(list_auc, 2.5) ub = np.percentile(list_auc, 97.5)
meaning of confidence intervals
- SUMMARY: if you repeat the experiment 100 times, 95 times the true value of the mean will fall within this interval. This does not mean than with 95% probability, the mean will fall in this interval
another explanation of confidence intervals by ISLR people (Rob Tibshirani)
Precision and recall
VERY GOOD pictures of precision, recall, confusion matrix, false positive, true positive, sensitivity and specificity
Explanation of AUC (area under curve)
Linear models and interaction effects (by ISLR authors Rob Tibshirani and Efron)
Woes of interpreting regression coefficients
Mixed effects models