To use Protocol Buffers with JavaScript, you need two main components: The protobuf runtime library. You can install this with npm install google-protobuf, or use the files in this directory. If npm is not being used, as of 3.3.0, the files needed are located in binary subdirectory; arith.js, constants.js, decoder.js, encoder.js, map.js, message.js, reader.js, utils.js, writer.js The Protocol Compiler protoc. This translates .proto files into .js files. Thecompiler is not currently available via npm, but you can download a pre-built binary on GitHub (look for the protoc-*.zip files under Downloads).
- google-protobuf(npm 依赖)
- 协议编译器 protoc (见本项目中 protobuf-3.6.0-osx-x86_64/bin/protoc 或者 github 下载)
- pre-built binary (见本项目中 protobuf-3.6.0 或者 github 下载)
- 进入到 pre-built binary 根目录执行以下命令
$ cd js
$ npm install
# 把 协议编译器 protoc 拷贝到../src目录下
$ npm test
# If your protoc is somewhere else than ../src/protoc, instead do this.
# But make sure your protoc is the same version as this (or compatible)!
$ PROTOC=/usr/local/bin/protoc npm test
如果 npm test
过后多了一个 commonjs_out 的目录并且如下图所示,说明测试通过
# 将 proto 目录下的 introduction.proto 拷贝到 项目根目录下的 proto-3.6.0/js 中
# 使用 protoc 根据 proto 文件 生成对应的 js 文件
$ ../src/protoc --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:. introduction.proto
# 拷贝生成的 introduction_pb.js 到根目录下的 examples 的 _pbjs 中
# 这样所需的 message api 就生成好了
$ cd examples
$ node index.js
# 以上生成对应的 proto 文件
# proto 文件生成 json
$ npm run pbjs