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Consul-262.5 Conversion

Consul 262.5 is an eternal mechanical keyboard using hall-effect switches. The keyboard communicate via UART, so the input and output data is in serial format. The keyboard sends an ascii character to the output with following protocol:

  • 1x start bit, 8x data bit, 2x stop bit
  • there is no parity
  • the data bits are reversed (MSB first) and inverted

e.g. character 'c' is 0x63 (0b_0110_0011). On the output you get 0b_0011_1001, which reversed and inverted is 0b_0110_0011: Output signal

For the conversion I've used Pro Micro 32u4 micro-controller and some cheap step-up voltage inverter. Pro Micro is connected via TX/RX pins and A9 as Clock signal:

+----v-------+               +------------+
| Pro Micro  |               | Step-up    |
| 5V         |               | Voltage    |
|            |               | Inverter   |
|------------|               |------------|
|        +5V +------+--------+ +5V(IN)    |
|        GND +--+---|--------+ GND        |
|TX  RX  A9  |  |   |    +---+ -12V(OUT)  |
+-+---+---+--+  |   |    |   +------------+
  |   |   |     |   |    |
  |   |   |     |   |    |
  |   |   |     |   |    |
| 3   2   6     7   9   15                |
| IN OUT CLK   GND +5V -12V               |
| Consul 262.5                            |

The connection schematics from the keyboard manual:

Consul 262.5 Connection scheme

The pinouts on the PCB:

Connection Detail

And some code:

#include <Keyboard.h>;

void setup()
  Serial1.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N2);
  TCCR1B = 0x18; // 0001 1000, Disable Timer Clock 
  TCCR1A = 0x50; // 0101 0000
  ICR1 = 52-1; // Low Phase Shift Resolution > 1 degree step-size 
  OCR1A = (int) (ICR1 * 0,04);
  OCR1B = (int) (ICR1 * 0,50);
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);  // OC1a
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // OC1b
  TCCR1B |= 1; // Prescale=1, Enable Timer Clock

void loop()
  int sr =;
  if(sr != -1) {
    int sra = ~sr & 0xff;

Typing on the keyboard (: Typing on the keyboard (:

Controlling the leds: Controlling the leds



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