A Kafka provider for AdonisJS v6
Adonis Kafka provides an easy way to start using Kafka.
npm i @neighbourhoodie/adonis-kafka
node ace configure @neighbourhoodie/adonis-kafka
Edit the .env
file to match your Kafka configuration.
Edit the config/kafka.js
file to edit the default configuration.
Create your consumer in start/kafka.js
. Ex:
import Kafka from "@neighbourhoodie/adonis-kafka/services/kafka";
const consumer = Kafka.createConsumer({ groupId: 'default'})
consumer.on({ topic: 'messages' }, (data: any, commit: any) => {
// commit(false) // For error transaction
commit() // For successful transaction
Or create a kafka controller:
node ace make controller kafka/webhooks
// app/controllers/kafka/webhooks_controller
// import Kafka from "@neighbourhoodie/adonis-kafka/services/kafka";
export default class WebhooksController {
async handleWebhook(data: any, commit: any) {
console.log('received in controller', data)
// start/kafka.ts
import WebhooksController from '#controllers/kafka/webhooks_controller'
const consumer = Kafka.createConsumer({ groupId: 'default' })
consumer.on({ topic: 'messages' }, [WebhooksController, 'handleWebhook'])
const consumer = Kafka.createConsumer({ groupId: 'default' })
consumer.on('messages', [WebhooksController, 'handleWebhook'])
consumer.registerErrorHandler('messsages', (error) => {
console.log('got error!', error)
import Kafka from "@neighbourhoodie/adonis-kafka/services/kafka";
const consumer = Kafka.createConsumer({ groupId: 'default'})
consumer.on({ topic: 'messages' }, (data: any, commit: any, { heartbeat, pause }) => {
// I might need some extra time processing my message
await heartbeat()
// or pause processing for a mo
// await pause()
commit() // For successful transaction
At the moment, only JSON.parse()
errors are handled.
Create your producer in app/Controllers/
for example, or in any other place. Ex:
import Kafka from "@neighbourhoodie/adonis-kafka/services/kafka";
import type { HttpContext } from '@adonisjs/core/http'
export default class UserController {
constructor() {
Kafka.createProducer('myProducer', {} /* ProducerConfig */).start()
public async show({ params, kafka: { producers } }: HttpContext) {
return producers['myProducer'].send('messages', { user_id: params.id })
// file: start/kafka.js
import Kafka from "@neighbourhoodie/adonis-kafka/services/kafka";
Kafka.admin.listTopics().then((topics: any[]) => {
console.log('topics', topics);
// file: start/kafka.js
import Kafka from "@neighbourhoodie/adonis-kafka/services/kafka";
topics: [
topic: 'messages',
numPartitions: 1,
replicationFactor: 1,
waitForLeaders: true,
}).then((result: any) => {
console.log('result', result);
This package uses KafkaJS, so you can use all commands from KafkaJS. Ex:
import Kafka from "@neighbourhoodie/adonis-kafka/services/kafka";
Kafka.admin.describeCluster().then((result: any) => {
console.log('result', result);