- β General Info
- πΏ [Team Sprout] (#Team-Sprout)
- β Technologies
- β Design
- π Databases
- πTesting
- π Content
- π Install Steps
SPROUT connects gardeners of all ages and expertise with resources on the best native and bee-friendly plants for their local area. Users will join community teams and earn points while learning and engaging in sustainable gardening.
- Mike Hwang
- Sally Poon
- Nicholas Johnston
- Susan Li
Technologies/languages used for this project:
Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor that is compatible with a variety of programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, Go, Node.js, Python and C++.
JSX allows us to render JS objects in HTML. This makes it easier to write React components and leverage props and states within the component's HTML.
React is a flexible, agile, Javascript framework used to make UI Interfaces. It enables us to build small components that can display information based on props and state, which makes templating much easier. This will be advantageous for us as we will be passing around a lot of information such as plant information, user data, and images.
For our implementation of React, we will be relying on React Hooks rather than the decprecated Class methods. The two Hooks we will be working with for this development will be the useState and useEffect Hooks. This will us to control our components based on dynamic variable handling, and will ensure that they retain maximum flexibility without bloat.
For containers, the design we will be using is an encompassing component surrounding a single component. This makes passing props simple and building a page much easier as it separates.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
State is built in to React Components. Using state we can add value attributes to our components. When state is updated, the component re-renders. For example, this will be useful for Adding Sprouts in our application.
Working hand in hand with state management is the useEffect hook, which we will be using to maintain and control our component lifecycles. The useEffect hook simply executes events depending on the current state, on mounting/unmounting a component, or if a specific state is changed. Furthermore, it allows us to clean up code (like event handlers) after a function is fired off, which prevents the application from crashing!
We borrow from the React Bootstrap library for some of our design components. More can be found here (https://react-bootstrap.github.io/)
Heroku is a container-based cloud platform as a service (PaaS). Heroku allows developers to deploy, manage, and extend the applications.
Heroku PostgreSQL is a PostgreSQL-based cloud database service. Heroku Postgres offers features such as rollback, high availability, and continuous protection, as well as followers, data clips, and forks.
We use Cloudinary to store and manage all user's image uploads. To upload an image to Cloudinary, a POST request must be made Sprout's Cloudinary with an image preset of either sproutPlant or sproutUser. You can see credentials in Configurations. If you would like to create more image presets please notify the github owner, Nicholas.
You can find our initial testing plan here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VK1SMwL3B4feiTA7hIC6xo1Rk5iDve64pFtSdyGjAUQ/edit?usp=sharing
To navitage to our test files, from the root folder go to client > tests. A map of our repo is in the Contents section.
The repo is organized in a fashion that abides by React structures. First, the repo is split into two sides: client and server.
Server contains all related files to the server side of the application. This includes a file for pghelpers, the server.js, and other database-related files.
Client contains the application's root folder, components, assets, front-end tests, and containers for the entire web app.
Containers folder within the client folder is where you will find the pages that contain components, categorized by each page. Each folder contains 3-4 files. There should be the Page React component, the Page Container, and index.js, and a Styling .css file for each container. Components folder within the client folder is where you will find the smaller components that are used, categorized by the page it is used in. Within this folder, there is also a styles folder for each component.
Content of the project folder:
Top level of project folder:
π /
βββ index.js # Express file which statically hosts the client/build folder
βββ pgHelper.js # Postgres file containing the connection object to postgres, and all of our queries
βββ .gitignore # Git ignore file
βββ package.json # Metadata relevant to the project
βββ Procfile # Basic command for Heroku
βββ yarn.lock # Managing dependencies
βββ reset_alerts_every_day.js # A JavaScript file that triggers the scheduler
βββ README.md # You're reading this now!
It has the following subfolders and files:
π /
βββ π client # Folder for the front end
β ββββ π src # Folder for the source files
β βββ π components # Folder for the React components
β β βββ π AboutUs # Folder for the AboutUs component
β β βββ π Alerts # Folder for the Alerts component
β β βββ π Easter # Folder for the Easter component
β β βββ π Layout # Folder for the Layout component
β β βββ π Leaderboard # Folder for the Leaderboard component
β β βββ π List # Folder for the List component
β β βββ π Modals # Folder for the Modals component
β β βββ π PlantProfile # Folder for the PlantProfile component
β β βββ π Profile # Folder for the Profile component
β β βββ π Search # Folder for the Search component
β β βββ π SearchPlantDetail # Folder for the SearchPlantDetail component
β ββββ π config # Folder for the static data
β β βββ π assets # Folder for the image files used in the project
β β βββ π data # (AKA RESOURCES) Folder for the JSON files used in the project
β ββββ π containers # Folder for the React containers
β β βββ π AboutUs # Folder for the AboutUs page
β β βββ π Alerts # Folder for the Alerts page
β β βββ π HomeContainer # Folder for the Home page
β β βββ π JoinTeam # Folder for the JoinTeam page
β β βββ π Leaderboards # Folder for the Leaderboards page
β β βββ π Login # Folder for the Login page
β β βββ π PlantProfile # Folder for the PlantProfile page
β β βββ π Profile # Folder for the Profile page
β β βββ π Search # Folder for the Search page
β β βββ π SearchPlantDetail # Folder for the SearchPlantDetail page
β β βββ π Signup # Folder for the Signup page
β ββββ π components # Folder for the React components for each respective page
β β βββ π AboutUs # Folder for the AboutUs page
β β βββ π Alerts # Folder for the Alerts page
β β βββ π HomeContainer # Folder for the Home page
β β βββ π JoinTeam # Folder for the JoinTeam page
β β βββ π Leaderboards # Folder for the Leaderboards page
β β βββ π Login # Folder for the Login page
β β βββ π Modals # Folder for shared Modals across pages
β β βββ π PlantProfile # Folder for the PlantProfile page
β β βββ π Profile # Folder for the Profile page
β β βββ π Search # Folder for the Search page
β β βββ π SearchPlantDetail # Folder for the SearchPlantDetail page
β β βββ π Signup # Folder for the Signup page
β ββββ π tests # Folder for client-side tests
β ββββ index.css # A CSS file for the root page
β ββββ index.js # A JavaScript file for the root page
β ββββ Splash.js # A JavaScript file for loading the page
β ββββ package-lock.json # Managing dependencies
β ββββ package.json # Metadata relevant to the project
β ββββ yarn.lock # Managing dependencies
The following folder also exists within the top-level project folder on dev, but not on main branch:
βββ π server # Folder for the back end
ββββ π data # Folder for the static data
ββββ π database # Folder for showing how the database looks
ββββ package-lock.json # Managing dependencies
ββββ package.json # Metadata relevant to the project
ββββ pghelper.js # A JavaScript file for querying from the database
ββββ server.js # A JavaScript file for connecting to the server
ββββ yarn.lock # Managing dependencies
The Heroku account we used is Nicholas' personal account. For account details, please contact him.
Any upload to images must be a POST request to: https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/sprout03/image/upload/ Username: sprout.team.3@gmail.com Password: BCITcomp2800!
- Clone the repository to your local device.
- Open your Visual Studio Code(VSC) and open a terminal.
- In the terminal, in the project's root directory, copy and paste this piece of code.
echo DATABASE_URL=postgres://sshovcjpdbiske:cfa4366c3ca29896322ecbd08a53592f6ad794280dffd387466954d7a40956f8@ec2-35-170-85-206.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/daama3hr9d0osj > .env
Type yarn install and yarn start consequently.
Once you run yarn install, you do not need to run that again from the next time.
Open another terminal by clicking
button on the top-right in the terminal.
Type cd client, yarn install, and yarn start consequently. This will automatically install all of Sprout's dependencies on your local computer. To see a list of all these dependencies, you may read package.json.
Once you run yarn install, you do not need to run that again from the next time.