PHP library for PHP5+ applications.
- PHP 5.5 or greater
In your app directory, type:
git submodule add Vendor/NML
git submodule init
git submodule update
This installs NML into your Vendor directory.
- Download any NML Release or Master development.
- Unzip that download.
- Rename the resulting folder to NML
- Then copy/move this folder into your vendor directory
For availability of classes, on non-composer install, first you should import 'autoload.php' in order to autoload classes.
Or you can include file by file.
Then, you can use classes from this library, using namespace:
//Example of use of Version class:
use NelsonMartell\Version;
$nmlVersion = new Version(0, 3);
echo $nmlVersion.ToString();
For more details, you can check the API reference.