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Milestone Project 3 for Code Institute ~ Full Stack Software Development

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Movies Manager

Thank you for visiting my project. This project was created as part of the CodeInstitute Full Stack Web Development Course, This Project is for educational purposes only and is used to demonstrate the technologies learned in the course.


UX (User Experience)

Project Goals

The goal of this project is to create a web application that a user can interact with and search for their favorite movies. The users who access the website will be able to create a favorites list from movies they search delete a favourite they have added, and update the title and year of the movie. This application contains the key CRUD requirement functionality and utilises a data handling document based database, MongoDB.

User Goals:

  • To search movies I like, add to a favourites list
  • Create an account where I can build up a favorites list to keep track of movies I like
  • Visit a visually eppealing website
  • Be able to consume information on my mobile device, desktop or tablet without any issues.
  • Delete a movie from a list
  • Edit a movie

User Stories:

  • As a user I wish to create an account on the application
  • As a user I wish to be able to search movies by name
  • As a user I wish to add movies to a favorites list
  • As a user I wish to be able to remove items from the above list whenever I want
  • As a user I wish to be able to use this site on any device
  • As a user I wish to edit a movie in my favourites

User Requirements and Expectations:

  • Interact with a visually appealing website
  • Navigate the website with ease with fast loading times
  • Find the movie I am looking with it showing a cover image of the movie
  • Information to be easy to digest for the user
  • The site protects the users information
  • The user can interact with the elements on the page
  • The web application is usable on mutliple devices
  • The website loads with sufficient speed
  • The users are able to easily access their favorites

Design Choices:

The website will use light and neutral colours to have a warm an inviting theme for a user for a friendly vibe to ensure the user would return again. Also it should reflect to help the user digest the information on the site easily. During the design of this application consideration was taken into account for the User Experience, minimum number of clicks for the user to ensure good User Experience, to achieve this I decided to have as little interaction with multiple elemenets as possible without removing from the overal application goal of CRUD functionality.


The font chosen for this project was Source Sans Pro as it was a sleek and clean font that made the information on the page pop and easy to read for the user.


Icons used for this website were sourced from Font Awesome as it was easy to locate and preview the icons needed for best user experience for those interacting with the site.


  • #f4f4f4 - Background Colour for Navbar and Footer
  • #b3001b - Button, Nav, Divider Colour
  • #e7e7e7 - Form container colour
  • #BBBBBB - Footer colour for login/register form


  • Nav bar was given an off white colour and vibrant text colours to make it pop, also a box shadow to give an appearance the navbar is floating.
  • Use of dividers used to show sepration but also use the same colour theme throughout the application.
  • Webkit-mask-image used on Movie Images to almost feel like a gradient into the below details of the movie.
  • Edit and remove buttons styled according to all other buttons to esnure the same flow throughout the application


Wireframes for this application were created using Balsamiq mockups. Each wireframe was created using mobile first and each sketchup was done prior to the building of the site to ensure fast workflow. Having done this provided me with drawings to work with whilst in the production phase and ensured I followed the exact steps and in return cut my production time in half. Although after testing an implimenting some slight tweaks were made, ever so slightly such as removing nav icons if a user is not logged in for e.g.

Database planning:

As this was the first time working with databases and schemas I was unsure how to handle or tackle an application like this. My original plan for the database was to have a collection of Users: inside this document I would have username , email, password(hashed), and a unique id. After this I had a Favourites collection: that had a list of favouirtes added by the user, which held title, year, poster, and imdbid code. After using this schema I found it to be problematic that If I added a user they would see all favouirtes as I did not declare a relationship between them. I made a change to the schema and then added an array inside of the Users document that would show the users favourites only which was fine and worked well for the purpose. An issue I then had was the relationship was still not valid as it was possible to duplicate the same movie favourite over and over instead of just calling the data already if it was once added to the database.

The Schema I final chose for this project was, a users relationship with many movies. The user collection and a favourites collection. Inside the user collection they would have a favourite Array that would house the favourites ID from the favourites collection.

favourites Collection: Example

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "5eea4926fbe2a5a0d4378163"
  "title": "Batman Returns",
  "year": "1992",
  "imdbid": "tt0103776",
  "poster": ""

users Collection: Example

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "5ee88da57289940080b3b142"
  "username": "test",
  "email": "",
  "password": "hashed Password goes here",
  "favourites": [
      "$oid": "5eea4926fbe2a5a0d4378163"


  • Register User / verify if user is already created
  • Login User / verifying if user is authenticated and part of db
  • Search Movies / search a movie by its name
  • Edit Movie / by its Name or Date
  • Delete Movie / Remove Movie from list
  • Logout User / Clear session cookie

Features to implement in future deployments:

  • Reset password functionality
  • Implement additional search functionality from the API, the search function returns 10 searches by default.
  • Search movie with additional fields such as IMDB ID or year of movie etc.
  • Add pagination to the search page to ensure additional movies are shown
  • When you click on an image of the movie It will give additional info such as movie description.
  • Handle if an email address is already in use
  • Add a watched list in addition to favourites

Technologies Used:


Tools & Libraries:


Testing was done throughout the application build process and when build was finalized. The application was tested on Google Chrome, Firefox. Most of the testing was done for mobile devices via the dev tools on Google Chrome. Varying from Android devices to Iphone devices. This application was also tested on multiple hand held devices, One Plus 5t, Samsung S8, Iphone X pro.

Testing the response being sent to the DB was done through google chrome dev tools, using the NETWORK tap and recording the requests being made to see if data is actually being posted. Also a plugin for Vscode Azure Databases, helped me go through my collections and see what was being passed to my collections and if data was being edited or removed instead of loading the atlas website, It saved time in the development process.

Defensive Testing:

Constant checks to see if user is in session Result = all features are not accessible unless in session

Adding a favourite when you are not logged in.

Result = Returned back to the home template and notified you must be logged in.

Editing a favourite when not logged in.

Result = Unable to do so as you are redirected if you attempt to go to a profile URL without being in session.

Create multiple accounts with the same username.

Result = Unable to do so as the db is checked if the username is already taken.

Testing Stories:

  • Created a user profile, was promted with a profile screen that was blank
  • fixed by re-directing to home page for better UX
  • Click on search function, search place holder stays, considered bad ux
  • fixed by adding styling to the input focus and making it transparent.
  • User searches for a movie but types 2 letters, no result is found
  • fixed by allowing a minimum of 4 characters be typed before searching
  • User adds a movie to favourites
  • User checks favourite, favourite is present in users favourites
  • User Updates Favourite
  • Results in users favourite being updated with the requested fields
  • User removes a favourite from user favourites
  • User is notified favorite is removed
  • User logged out of session
  • User attempted to search and add a favourite whilst being logged out, asked to log in.
  • User logged in attempted to register an account with the same username
  • User was notified an account is already using this username.

Testing Outcome:

Testing this application was carried out manually by users on mobile devices and desktop devices. bugs that were found during development have been rectified and anything that was not fixed is now stated in the Known bugs section. The overal outcome of this testing has shown that the application has the basic defence abilities in place. The application does work well with mobile tablet and desktop devices.

This application was developed for the use on most mobile devices and Google Chrome. Very little effort was put into making this cross compatible with every outdated browser.

Bugs During Development:

Had issues with login button on the login page, where the placeholder text on the button was off centrered on small screens, this was resolved with inline-size: min-content, this was tested through chrome dev tools and adjusting element styles to suit.

Had issues with landing image on the home page, I set the background image to absolute, any new items added for e.g (new container, row, cols) would position offset due to the absolute, removing this then resorted in the natural flow of the html items.

Issues with the search data that was displayed from div's and h3's it would not post to DB correctly, added hidden text areas and it sent correctly, next issue was because each div was part of a for loop it would only post the first div field input even if we clicked the last input.

For loop on favourites page where I was using the incorrect variable name and it was not pulling the correct information.

Had issue with the profile variable, I had called a global variable and re-used the global name on a local variable and it was giving errors, changing the variable name resolved this.

One of the most difficult bugs / issues I had during the development of this application was with the favourites section, adding and removing a favourite. I was comparing a string vs a Object id, and when I was printing the data I was receiving like this. {"$oid": "5ee88da57289940080b3b142"} but i needed just the "5ee88da57289940080b3b142" string value to compare, I was getting errors such as Object of type ObjectId is not JSON serializable, after resolving the issue and researching further a better solution would have been to add some form of json interp or bson interp, however wrapping the query in str() resolved the issues I was having.

I changed how the add to favourites worked and the favourites section, upon changing the queries i ran into errors like this, "<pymongo.cursor.Cursor object at 0x04694700>" and this was because I was passing into the database a string but was requesting and object id. when the object id was passed correctly into the favourites and called correctly the issue was resolved.

Bug with url_for('profile', userid), Originally I had setup my application to handle the username in the session, But to stick with best practices I wanted to then change it to be the user Id always. I was having issues with passing the url correctly. But during the trouble shooting process I realised I was passing urf_for('user', userid).

Search function bug, that if you do not pass in specific details in search you get nothing back, this is due to the api handling the requests, if field is too short, the response from the api is Too many results

Known Bugs:

Known bug, from the API it does not have images / posters for every movie. This is something I found out testing. API only handles specific searches, if search is not broad enough it will return false or Too many results, to handle this in the most basic way to ensure user has a good experience I have ensured the min character length is 4.

When running the code through css validator, there are no errors. However to be noted there are warnings (15) due to proprietary code the validator only validates against valid code. And the Vendor extensions are proprietary code. (Just to be noted)


This application was developed on Visual Studio Code, using git and GitHub to host the repository.

Cloing the application from GitHub:

Ensure you have the following installed:

Make sure you have an account at MongoDB in order to construct the database.

WARNING: You may need to follow a different guide based on the OS you are using, read more here.

  • 1: Clone the Movies Manager repository by either downloading from here, or if you have Git installed typing the following command into your terminal.
git clone
  • 2: Navigate to this folder in your terminal for e.g below.
cd movies-manager
  • 3: Enter the following command into your terminal.
python3 -m .venv venv
  • 4: Initilaize the environment by using the following command.
  • 5: Install the relevant requirements & dependancies from the requirements.txt file.
pip3 -r requirements.txt
  • 6: In your IDE now create a file where you can store your SECRET_KEY and your MONGO_URI, follow the schema structure located in data/schemas to properly setup the Mongo Collections. NOTE: I developed this website on Visual Studio Code and used open variables within the Replace the keys below.
    "python.pythonPath": "env/bin/python",
    "python.terminal.activateEnvironment": true,
    "python.linting.enabled": true,
    "python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--load-plugins=pylint_flask"],
    "files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",
    "files.useExperimentalFileWatcher": true,
    "terminal.integrated.env.osx": {
      "SECRET_KEY": "<your_secret_key>",
      "DEV": "1",
      "FLASK_DEBUG": "1",
      "MONGO_URI": "<your_mongo_uri>"
  • 7: Run the application using
flask run 



Deploying Movies-Manager to Heroku:

  • 1: Create a requirements.txt file using the following command.
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
  • 2: Create a Procfile with the following command.
echo web: python3 > Procfile

*2.1: Dynoswill also need to be scaled.

heroku ps:scale web=1
  • 3: Push these newly created files to your repository.
  • 4: Create a new app for this project on the Heroku Dashboard.
  • 5: Select your deployment method by clicking on the deployment method button and select GitHub.
  • 6: On the dashboard, set the following config variables:
Key Value
PORT 5000
MONGO_URI mongodb+srv://:@<cluster_name><database_name>?retryWrites=true&w=majority
SECRET_KEY "your_secret_key"

Closing Notes:

This application was created to demonstrate use of CRUD functionality. The application is not expected to be used by a large scale client base.


  • Philip Kearney - advice and feedback on mongodb relationships, user testing

  • Reggie Morgan - User testing and feedback

  • Miroslav Svec - for the solution on user logins and auth via hashing passwords, this was used and highly modified to suit project needs.

  • Simen Daehlin - For suggesting project ideas, reviewing project and also providing readme examples"

  • Movie API used

  • Stock Images used


Milestone Project 3 for Code Institute ~ Full Stack Software Development






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