This repository contains all the STM32 files fot the laboratories of the Sensor Systems Class at Politecnico Di Milano. This class is mainly focused on the working principles of sensors and transducers. For the laboratories, a board full of sensors with a mounted NUCLEO-F401RE test board from STMicroelectronics is given. All the files ONLY works with this type of board. For the files, we can found :
- Projects did during the laboratories class
- Homework for all the weeks
- Examples of exams We used STM32CubeIDE to make all of these projects, you will do the same normally. (You can do bare metal programming but good luck)
Also, the laboratories are made with a group of students during all the semester.
This repository was mainly managed by me, but some code was written by members of my group. That's why I want to thank :
- Adrien Paliferro
- Heikki Leveelahti
- Osmo Kieksi
- Constantijn Coppers
Created by [@nemocazin]