Releases: nenes25/eicaptcha
Releases · nenes25/eicaptcha
V 2.5.1
#309 prestashop 8.2.1 support
V 2.5.0
Fixed issues :
- #229 Replace override of Authcontroller
- #247 Registration check on prestashop 8.x
- #221 recaptcha v3 doesn't validate in form added with elementor form builder of warehouse theme
- #218 Harmonize and fix licence headers
V 2.4.2
For Prestashop 1.7
Fixed issues :
- Add missing release drafter file (#250)
- Hide captcha in identity controller (#248)
- Add new translation NL, and update IT (#197 )
V 2.4.1
For Prestashop 1.7
Fixed issues :
- #225 Recaptcha bug create account
- #241 Add 2 missing hooks on installation (thanks to prestasafe)
- #242 customer-form.tpl verified only in 'PS_THEME_DIR' and not in 'PS_PARENT_THEME_DIR' too
- #230 Not registered on hook actionContactFormSubmitCaptcha
V 2.4.0
For Prestashop 1.7
Fixed issues :
- #202 V2.3.1: les modes sombre et clair sont inversés
- #205 Captcha box is not visible (Clarify behavior of V3 keys)
- #184 Don't require recaptcha for logged in clients
- #217 Allow to validate custom forms
- #169 Problème lors de la validation de mon formulaire
- #165 Rename Hook hookActionContactFormSubmitCaptcha
- #162 V2.0.4 not detect PS language switching (thanks to metacreo)
V 2.3.1
For Prestashop 1.7
Fixed issues :
#201 Added displayNewsletterRegsitration hook to installation method ( thanks to gdebrion )
V 2.3.0
For Prestashop 1.7
This version finally implements recaptcha V3
Fixed issues :
- #94 Recaptcha v3
- #188 Compatible with reCaptcha V3 (V2 is not available anymore on Google reCaptcha Entreprise)
- #113 not compatible with recaptcha V3
- #195 Improve debug information
- #196 Improve Code quality : introduce phpcsfixer and phpstan
V 2.2.0
For Prestashop 1.7 only
This release is only for code optimization.
V 2.1.1
For Prestashop 1.7 only
Fix #186 Wrong ps_emailsubscription version comparison
V 2.1.0
For Prestashop 1.7 only
This new version implements the captcha on the newsletter subscription form
Fix also :
- #164 eicaptcha newsletter filtering
- #180 Display link to github issues in debug module
- #179 Better display debug mode in back office