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Neo4j Connector for Kafka 5.0


This project integrates Neo4j with Apache Kafka and the Confluent Platform.


Newer versions of this connector are now maintained at This repository is only kept alive for critical bug and security fixes of 5.0.x versions of the connector.

Neo4j Kafka Connect Neo4j Connector

You can download the Kafka Connect plugin that allows to ingest events from Kafka to Neo4j and generate change events from Neo4j into Kafka.


Refer to documentation for more information about installation and configuration of the connector.

Feedback & Suggestions

As highlighted above, 5.0.x version of the connector is kept as a maintenance version for only critical bug and security fixes. Please raise any feature requests on the new repository.


Build locally

In order to build the packages, execute the following command.

mvn clean package

You'll find the build artifact in <project_dir>/kafka-connect-neo4j/target/neo4j-kafka-connect-neo4j-<VERSION>.jar


The documentation source for this version lives at this repository. Please raise any documentation updates by creating a PR against it.


Neo4j Streams is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more details.