Mojolicious, the Perl real-time web framework
REST::Neo4p, the Perl binding to Neo4j-Server
First get yourself setup with perlbrew so we don’t break any other Perl stuff you have on your machine. After you’ve got that installed let’s setup an environment for our app:
(neo4p-movies)$ curl -kL http://install.perlbrew.pl | bash
(neo4p-movies)$ perlbrew init
(neo4p-movies)$ echo ”export PATH=$PATH:/home/<USER>/perl5/perlbrew/bin" > /home/<USER>/.bashrc
(neo4p-movies)$ perlbrew mirror # Pick a preferred CPAN mirror
(neo4p-movies)$ perlbrew available # See what is available
(neo4p-movies)$ perlbrew install perl-5.21.7 # Install some Perls, e.g., Perl version 5.21.7 or any other version
(neo4p-movies)$ perlbrew list # See what was installed
(neo4p-movies)$ perlbrew switch perl-5.21.7 && perl -v # Swith to an installation and set it as default
The next step is to install the dependencies for the app:
(neo4p-movies)$ perl Build.PL
(neo4p-movies)$ make
(neo4p-movies)$ sudo make install
Start your local Neo4j Server (Download & Install), open the Neo4j Browser. Then install the Movies data-set with :play movies
, click the statement, and hit the triangular "Run" button.
And finally let’s start up a Mojolicious web server:
(neo4p-movies)$ perl movie_neo4p
* Running on
Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and you should see the Neo4j application