GraphRAG Examples for Financial Services
These directions are written for GCP but should be repeatable with minor changes on other cloud providers.
- Create a Google Cloud instance.
- Then create firewall rules to allow traffic on ports 8080 and 8501
- Next resize the disk with the below command (often defaults or for 10GB disk which will cause problems).
gcloud compute disks resize <boot disk name> --size 100
Then restart the instance for the boot disk change to take effect
Easiest with root access for demo purposes, so first:
sudo su
Then you'll need to install git and clone this repo:
apt install -y git
mkdir -p /app
cd /app
git clone
cd graphrag-finserv
Let's install python & pip:
apt install -y python
apt install -y pip
Now, install docker per these directions
Then install docker-compose
apt install docker-compose
Now update the configs in a .env
build and run the container with below command (the first time can take a while to build)
docker-compose up
Optionally, you can run in a detached state to ensure the app continues even if you disconnect from the vm instance:
docker-compose up -d
To stop the app run
docker-compose down