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4.0 changelog

AndyHeap-NeoTech edited this page Aug 20, 2020 · 10 revisions


  • Fix for tags used to notate example code for documentation. Release required to generate and publish the manual.


  • Fix for uri scheme ssc, it now turns off hostname verification.
  • Added address to the routing context.
  • The driver no longer does version sniffing on the reply from the server as this is no longer guaranteed. The version is now taken from the agreed protocol version.


  • Improved back pressure logic in auto pull handler. The auto pull handler will enable auto pull when buffered unconsumed records are less than 0.3 * fetchSize, and disable auto pull when more than 0.7 * fetchSize. #381
  • Format the coordinates in the Point class with the invariant culture #388
  • Added database selection example #397
  • Allowed to config encryption and trust strategy via connection URI scheme #390



  • Added SupportsMultiDbAsync feature detection method.


  • Made async API also pulling records in batches. The batch size can be configured via FetchSize on driver and session configurations.
  • Renamed Summary to Consume in results.
  • Unconsumed results would be discarded when disposing session and/or transaction, as well as result.Consume.
  • Added Verify function for testing connectivity on IDriver interface.
  • Added missing system updates and profile statistics
  • Changed default connection time to be 30s
  • Removed legacy ILogger and Renamed IDriverLogger to ILogger
  • Removed driver metrics module.
  • Added a Values.As<T>(T defaultValue) extension method


  • Updated driver to target .NET Standard 2.0.
  • Updated Neo4j.Driver package to only provide asynchronous session API. There is no more a separate blocking API implementation and Neo4j.Driver.Simple package provides a blocking API which is built on top of asynchronous API.
  • Added a reactive session API built on top of System.Reactive, which is available by Neo4j.Driver.Reactive package.
  • Renamed bolt+routing scheme to neo4j which is now also valid on single instance deployments of 4.0 servers.
  • Added support for multi database feature for 4.0 servers.
  • Updated driver to default to plain-text connections. When encrypted connections are explicitly enabled, trust settings default to the verification of server certificates using system provided trust store.
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