Gagarin is frontend template* based on PostCSS, Jade and Gulp. I use Lost Grid System for easy handling with grids and several others vendor plugins.
npm install
gulp — for watching and development
gulp build — for ready to pruduction build
- Lost Grid System for grids
- Swiper for sliders
- Magnific Popup for popups
- Tabslet for tabs
- jquery.maskedinput for input masks
- ion.rangeSlider for range slider
- Fotorama for fotorama
- Make right workflow with images;
- Optimize and speed up gulp-tasks.
- Explore more useful postcss and gulp plugins
The changelog can be found in the file.
The MIT License, see the included file.
Oh, yes, I wrote my own frontend framework.
This development has two objectives – to develop my own template for a quick start of new project. The second goal – practice with Github and with ancillary services and technologies. I want to understand the most advanced frontend technology, because it seems to me that I was little lagging behind.