The Ultimate Bash CheatSheet.
The two best bash cheatsheets, rolled into one, linked to info from the best sources around. Available as Markdown, PDF or a Bash script!
One file that shows all the basics are great! but when you need to know more, cheatsheets are put aside whilst you roam the net, looking for the best resources available to read. Here are the best resources available, in one place, accessible from one file. When the cheatsheet just isn't enough, click the hyperlinks for further knowledge!
Learn everything about Bash from just one file, the easy way.
I take NO credit for the vast amounts of knowledge here, it is not mine. I have merely collated the best cheatsheets, merged them, collected references from accross the net, slightly edited some english and converted it all into three formats. This would not be here if it wasn't for the following people's hard work: