a Pivotal Tracker clone
A lightweight helping tool for Agile software developing.
Current website: http://www.litetracker.net
- Model tests
- Controller tests (HTML)
- API Controller tests (JSON)
- Add automatic story reference id/#
- Collaboration model
- User timeline
- Project timeline
- Working Rails API
- user model & controller, auth ✓
- session controller ✓
- project model & controller ✓
- tab model & controller ✓
- story model & controller ✓
- sane API, well defined routes ✓
- Backbone
- project model & view structure (paper template first) ✓
- projects collection. Top-level projects collection. ✓
- tab model & view structure (paper template first) ✓
- tabs collection (project has one tabs collection) ✓
- story model & view structure (paper template first) ✓
- stories collection. Top-level stories collection. Tab level stories ✓ collection.
- JavaScript
- routes ✓
- views implementation ✓
- views event handling (listening to models and collections) ✓
- views event handling (listening to user interface elements) ✓
- drag & drop stories between tabs
- Polish
- CSS and styling (bootstrap) ✓
- add a logo ✓
- add a captivating homepage ✓
- add demo user & seed content ✓
- DRYing out code ✓
- fixing quirks ✓
- Backlog (tab): container for stories, prioritised
- Current (tab): container for stories that are to be addressed in the current time unit (week? day?)
- Done (tab): container for completed stories
- Icebox (tab): new stories are created here
- Point: unit of complexity, used for evaluating stories
- Project: activity that we want to track. Can be divided in stories
- Story: synthetic description of a use case. Its complexity can be evaluated in points. Also: a concrete or deliverable task
- Tab: container for stories
- Capacity: total units of work that can be carried out in parallel by the team.
- account creation/auth ✓
- user can create projects ✓
- projects come with four tabs (story containers): current, backlog, icebox, done ✓
- user can create stories. Stories are created in the icebox tab ✓
- Current tab must contain the current stories at all times ✓
- user can evaluate the complexity of stories from "1: trivial" to "4: very complex" ✓
- user can start, finish deliver, accept or reject stories ✓
- user can set stories' priority (only for stories that have not been started yet) ✓
- user can set a capacity. A default capacity must be assumed ✓