Thermostat temperature control system using ESP8266 serial wifi boards, Openhab, and DS1631 temperature sensing IC.
- Temperature Sensor Code and circuit
- Openhab setup for two temperature sensing boards and Raspberry Pi CPU temperature
- Thermostat control not setup
The project comes in 5 folders:
- The Openhab configuration files (a complete Openhab folder that can be copied and run)
- C code for the ESP thermometer devices
- C code for the ESP temperature control board (might not be up yet)
- Code for Node-Red
- Schematic and PCB designs
The ESP code was designed and compiled using the Windows SDK Toolkit available at If installed correctly, you should have everything required to build and flash ESP8266 firmware.
- Load the projects into Eclipse
- Open file "/include/user_config.h" and change the #defines as necessary (I've left them to the default ones in the example)
- Open file "/user/user_main.c" and change the #define TOPIC to whatever is needed for that board
- Flash firmware
- All the guys and galls over at for their hard on making these boards usable!
- Mikhail Grigorev for his work on the Windows Development Kit
- Tuan PM for his work on the native MQTT client for the esp8266
- Anyone else I've missed out