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Meeting Notes (2020 04 07)

Daniel Hedlund edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 1 revision
  • Potentially doing a virtual workshop instead of physical
    • Distributing a keybow, dedicating a day on a weekend.
  • Goal to build out a website that is self-guided. For example, people buy a raspberry pi to do cool things with it and then go discover what people have done with it via the website.
  • A good starting project that might be able to pull people into xebow would be a dynamically programmable macro tool that support IFTTT-like pipelines.
  • Focus on a "project" that can be used to build applications (i.e. mix new xebow).
    • Hack away at new libraries.
    • Also able to be run from a new project w/o modifications for basic xebow usage (mix new xebow --with-examples).
      • 6 color animations
      • Basic macro support for emojis
      • Keyboard remapping
      • Key layering & chording
  • Just discovered
  • OTP tutorial by using and running on xebow?
  • Host↔xebow communication.
  • Getting our APIs right
    • Thinking about how easy it would be for beginners to program certain behaviours:
      • Animations based off keypress
  • Audiences
    • Javascript dev out of a code school
    • Rubyist who has heard good things about elixir and maybe dabbled
    • Arduino/raspberry pi crowd who want to use it as a gateway to other nerves development