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knockout.contextmenu Build Status Greenkeeper badge

Contextual menu, anywhere you need it

Such example


npm install knockout.contextmenu --save

bower install knockout.contextmenu

With npm

Just do:



To bind a context menu to an element:

<td data-bind="contextMenu: { 'Option 1': $root.rootMethod, 'Option 2': itemMethod, 'Option 3': anotherMethod }">

Dont forget to include the .css file.

You can also bind a boolean observable to the context menu, that will work as a 'check':

    "Boolean": someObservableBoolean, 
    "One method": $root.test 

You can also set dynamic 'text' and 'visible' values binding an object with the following values instead of a method:

Option Description
url Direct access to an URL.
text Set menu text.
visible Show/hide item (result must be boolean).
action Item method, mandatory if not url defined.
disabled Disable menu item.


    "Complex item": { 
        "text": $root.someObservableText(), 
        "visible": someMethod() == '1', 
        "action": $root.someAction 
    "One method": $root.test

To create a separator between two menus, just create an object with the property separator with true:

    "Some item": methodOne,
    "Separator": { 
        "separator": true, 
        "visible": someMethod() 
    "Just another item": methodTwo

Bind it with left click, if you want to:

<td data-bind="contextMenu: { 'Options': justGoHere }, bindMenuOnClick: true, bindMenuOnContextMenu: false">

Also supports observableArrays!

var menu = ko.observableArray([{ text: 'Item 1', action: doSomething }, { text: 'Item 2', action: doMore }]); 
<td data-bind="contextMenu: menu">
