NestCloud is a Node.js micro-service solution, writing by Typescript language and Nest.js framework.
The NestCloud CLI is a command-line interface tool that helps you to initialize NestCloud applications.
The CLI works with schematics, and provides built in support from the schematics collection at @nestcloud/schematics.
$ npm install -g @nestcloud/cli
$ nestcloud --help
Usage: nestcloud <command> [options]
-v, --version Output the current version.
-h, --help Output usage information.
new|n [options] [name] Generate NestCloud application.
info|i Display NestCloud project details.
$ nestcloud new --help
Usage: nestcloud new|n [options] [name]
Generate NestCloud application.
--directory [directory] Specify the destination directory
-d, --dry-run Report actions that would be performed without writing out results.
-g, --skip-git Skip git repository initialization.
-s, --skip-install Skip package installation.
-p, --package-manager [package-manager] Specify package manager.
-c, --collection [collectionName] Schematics collection to use.
-t, --template [template] Schematics template to use.
-h, --help Output usage information.
- Author - Miaowing
- Website -