This repository is designed to build the skeleton for the Network as Code DC VXLAN Ansible Galaxy Collection. Cloning this repository will create a working structure that can be extended to automate your Cisco Nexus Data Center network using Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller (NDFC).
Installation of a Python virtual environment is needed in order to install the collection and it's requirements. We recommend pyenv which provides a robust Python virtual environment capability that also allows for management of different Python versions. The following instructions are detailed around using pyenv. For pipeline execution please refer to the pipeline section which is documented at container level.
To simplify getting started with this collection we are providing you with an example repository that you can clone from GitHub. This repository creates the required skeleton structure including examples for pipelines. Cloaning this repository requires the installation of git client which is available for all platforms.
Run the following command in the location of interest.
git clone nac-vxlan
This will clone the repository into the directory nac-vxlan.
In this directory create a new virtual environment and install a Python version of your choice. At the time of writting, a commonly used version is Python version 3.10.13. Command pyenv install 3.10.13
will install this version. For detailed instructions please visit the pyenv site.
cd nac-vxlan
pyenv virtualenv <Python_version> nac-ndfc
pyenv local nac-ndfc
Executing command pyenv local <env_name>
sets the environment so that whenever the directory is entered it will change into the right virtual environment.
Included in the example repository is the requirements file to install Ansible. First upgrade PIP to latest version.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
The default placement for Ansible Galaxy Collections is in your home directory under .ansible/collections/ansible_collections/
. To install the collection in the default location run the following command:
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yaml
If you wish to install the Galaxy Collection inside the repository you are creating with this example repository, you can run the following command:
ansible-galaxy collection install -p collections/ansible_collections/ -r requirements.yaml
You will need to then configure your ansible.cfg file to point to the correct collection location.
This sets the correct path for all the Python modules and libraries in the virtual environment that was created. If you look in that directory you will find the collections package locations. Below is the base ansible.cfg
file. You will need to adjust the collections_path
to your environment paths:
collections_path = ./collections/ansible_collections/
If you wish to add any ansible callbacks ( the listed below expand on displaying time execution ) you can add the following to the ansible.cfg
bin_ansible_callbacks = True
Verify that the ansible configuration file is being read and all the paths are correct inside of this virtual environment.
ansible --version
Your output should be similar to the output below
ansible [core 2.16.3]
config file = /Users/username/tmp/nac-vxlan/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/Users/username/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /Users/username/.pyenv/versions/3.10.13/envs/nac-ndfc/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /Users/username/path/to/collections/ansible_collections
executable location = /Users/username/.pyenv/versions/nac-ndfc/bin/ansible
python version = 3.10.13 (main, Oct 29 2023, 00:04:17) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)] (/Users/username/.pyenv/versions/3.10.13/envs/nac-ndfc/bin/python3.10)
jinja version = 3.1.4
libyaml = True
As is standard with Ansible best practices, inventory files provide the destination targets for the automation. For this collection, the inventory file is a YAML file that contains the information about the devices that are going to be configured. The inventory files is called inventory.yaml
and is located in the root of the repository.
The inventory file is going to contain a structure similar to this:
ansible_host: 10.X.X.X
ansible_host: "[2001:XXX:XXXX:XXXX::XX]"
For IPv6 the ansible_host must be formated like the example above "[ipv6 address]"
This structure creates two things in Ansible:
- A group called
- A host called
These are tied back to the directory structure of the repository that contains two folders in the top directory:
The data model must exist under the host_vars
directory structure. The inventory file organizes how the variables are read using both group_vars
and host_vars
directories. Under group_vars
is where you populate the connection.yaml
file which stores the credential information for the NDFC controller.
The collection is pre-built to make use of the group_vars
and host_vars
data and matches what is already constructed in the repository. There is a 1:1 relationship between the code in the repository and the NDFC fabric. For more complex environments, the inventory file can be expanded to include multiple groups and hosts including managment of multi-site fabrics which is explained in a separate document.
In the provided inventory.yaml
file in the root directory, update the ansible_host
variable to point to your NDFC controller by replacing 10.X.X.X
with the IP address of the NDFC controller.
In the directory group_vars/ndfc
is a file called connection.yaml
that contains example data:
# Connection Parameters for 'ndfc' inventory group
# Controller Credentials
ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.httpapi
ansible_httpapi_port: 443
ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
ansible_network_os: cisco.dcnm.dcnm
# NDFC API Credentials
ansible_user: "{{ lookup('env', 'ND_USERNAME') }}"
ansible_password: "{{ lookup('env', 'ND_PASSWORD') }}"
# Credentials for switches in inventory
ndfc_switch_username: "{{ lookup('env', 'NDFC_SW_USERNAME') }}"
ndfc_switch_password: "{{ lookup('env', 'NDFC_SW_PASSWORD') }}"
This file contains the connection parameters required for reachability to the NDFC controller. The ansible_user
, and ansible_password
credentials must be set to establish a connection to the NDFC controller. For the devices, you will set the ndfc_switch_username
and ndfc_switch_username
variables which can also be configured as environment variables. Environment variables provide extra security so that the credentials are not stored in plain text inside the repository. Accidentaly including your credentials in a repository is a very difficult to remove. Hence, the usage of environment variables is recommended as a starting point.
Additionally, if a pipeline is required, the environment variables can be stored in the pipeline configuration using secure methods and prevents them from being exposed in the repository.
Ansible vault can also be used to encrypt the contents of the connection file or simply encrypt the variables.
The environment variables should be set in the shell where the playbook is executed. They are configured via the export
command in the shell (bash). Using this template set the environment variables to the correct credentials for the NDFC controller and the fabric devices that will be managed by NDFC.
# These are the credentials for ND
export ND_USERNAME=admin
export ND_PASSWORD=Admin_123
# These are the credentials for the devices in the inventory
export NDFC_SW_USERNAME=admin
export NDFC_SW_PASSWORD=Admin_123
Role: cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.validate
The validate
role ensures that the data model is correct and that the data model can be processed by the subsequent roles. The validate role reads all the files in the host_vars
directory and create a single data model in memory for execution.
As part of the VXLAN as Code service from Cisco, you will also be able to utilize the semantic validation feature to make sure that the data model matches the intended expected values. This is a powerful feature that allows you to ensure that the data model is correct before it is deployed to the network. Additonally the validate role allows creation of rules that can be used to prevent operators from making specific configurations that are not allowed in the network. These can be as simple as enforcing proper naming conventions to more complex rules for interconnectivity issues that should be avoided. These rules are coded in Python and can be constructed as part of the Services as Code offer.
Role: cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.dtc.create
The create
role builds all of the templates and variable parameters required to deploy the VXLAN fabric and creates fabric state in NDFC. The data model is converted into the proper templates required by the Ansible modules used to communicate with the NDFC controller and manage the fabric state.
Role: cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.dtc.deploy
The deploy
role deploys the fabric state created using the Create role to the NDFC managed devices.
Role: cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.dtc.remove
The remove
role removes state from the NDFC controller and the devices managed by the NDFC controller. When the collection discoveres managed state in NDFC that is not defined the the data model it gets removed by this role. For this reason this role requires the following variables to be set to true
under the group_vars
directory. This avoids accidental removal of configuration from NDFC that might impact the network.
Inside the example repository under group_vars/ndfc
is a file called ndfc.yaml
that contains the variables:
# Control Parameters for 'Remove' role tasks
interface_delete_mode: false
inventory_delete_mode: false
link_fabric_delete_mode: false
link_vpc_delete_mode: false
network_delete_mode: false
policy_delete_mode: false
vpc_delete_mode: false
vrf_delete_mode: false
Note: These variables are set to false
by default to avoid accidental removal of configuration from NDFC that might impact the network.
These roles when run in sequence (validate, create, deploy, remove) are designed to build out the entire fabric and can be executed by a pipeline. The roles can also be run in isolation by simply commenting out the roles that are not required during testing and fabric buildout to validate incremental changes.
The following playbook for the NDFC as Code collection is the central execution point for this collection. Compared to automation in other collections, this playbook is designed to be mostly static and typically will not change. What gets executed during automation is based entirely on changes in the data model. When changes are made in the data model, the playbook will call the various roles and underlying modules to process the changes and update the NDFC managed fabric.
The playbook is located in the root of the repository and is called vxlan.yaml
. It contains the following:
# This is the main entry point playbook for calling the various
# roles in this collection.
- hosts: nac-ndfc1
any_errors_fatal: true
gather_facts: no
# Prepare service model for all subsequent roles
- role: cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.validate
# -----------------------
# DataCenter Roles
# Role: cisco.netascode_dc_vxlan.dtc manages direct to controller NDFC workflows
- role: cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.dtc.create
tags: 'role_create'
- role: cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.dtc.deploy
tags: 'role_deploy'
- role: cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.dtc.remove
tags: 'role_remove'
The host
is defined as nac-ndfc1 which references back to the inventory.yaml
file. The roles
section is where the various collection roles are called.
The first role is cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.validate
which is going to validate the data model. This is a required step to ensure that the data model is correct and that the data model is going to be able to be processed by the subsequent roles.
The subsequent roles are the cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.dtc.create
, cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.dtc.deploy
, and cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.dtc.remove
roles. These roles are the primary roles that will invoke changes in NDFC as described earlier.
Note: For your safety as indicated ealier, the
role also requires setting some variables totrue
under thegroup_vars
directory. This is to avoid accidental removal of configuration from NDFC that might impact the network. This will be covered in more detail below.
The playbook can be configured to execute only the roles that are required. For example, as you are building your data model and familiarizing yourself with the collection, you may comment out the deploy
and remove
roles and only execute the validate
and create
roles. This provides a quick way to make sure that the data model is structured correctly.
Role Level Tags:
To speed up execution when only certain roles need to be run the following role level tags are provided:
- role_validate - Select and run
role - role_create - Select and run
role - role_deploy - Select and run
role - role_remove - Select and run
The validate role will automatically run if tags role_create, role_deploy, role_remove
are specified.
Example: Selectively Run cisco.nac_dc_vxlan.create
role alone
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml vxlan.yml --tags role_create
The following sample data is available under the host_vars/nac-ndfc1
directory in this repository. This data can be used to build out your first fabric using this collection.
This data is defined in host_vars/nac-ndfc1/global.nac.yaml
and contains the global parameters for the VXLAN fabric.
name: nac-ndfc1
bgp_asn: 65001
route_reflectors: 2
anycast_gateway_mac: 12:34:56:78:90:00
- ip_address:
vrf: management
- ip_address:
vrf: management
This data is defined in host_vars/nac-ndfc1/topology_switches.nac.yaml
and contains the base topology inventory for switches in the fabric.
- name: netascode-spine1
serial_number: 99H2TUPCVFK
role: spine
routing_loopback_id: 0
vtep_loopback_id: 1
- name: netascode-spine2
serial_number: 941L30Q8ZYI
role: spine
routing_loopback_id: 0
vtep_loopback_id: 1
- name: netascode-leaf1
serial_number: 9LWGEUPJOCM
role: leaf
routing_loopback_id: 0
vtep_loopback_id: 1
- name: netascode-leaf2
serial_number: 9YEXD0OHA7Z
role: leaf
routing_loopback_id: 0
vtep_loopback_id: 1
- name: netascode-leaf3
serial_number: 9M2TXMZ7D3N
role: leaf
routing_loopback_id: 0
vtep_loopback_id: 1
- name: netascode-leaf4
serial_number: 982YGMKUY2B
role: leaf
routing_loopback_id: 0
vtep_loopback_id: 1
This data is defined in host_vars/nac-ndfc1/underlay.nac.yaml
and contains the underlay settings for the fabric.
routing_protocol: ospf
enable_ipv6_underlay: false
replication_mode: multicast
fabric_interface_numbering: p2p
subnet_mask: 31
underlay_routing_loopback_id: 0
underlay_vtep_loopback_id: 1
underlay_routing_protocol_tag: UNDERLAY
underlay_rp_loopback_id: 250
intra_fabric_interface_mtu: 9216
layer2_host_interfacde_mtu: 9216
unshut_host_interfaces: true
enable_ipv6_link_local_address: false
underlay_subnet_mask: 64
authentication_enable: false
authentication_key_id: 0
authentication_key: ""
underlay_rp_loopback_id: 250
underlay_primary_rp_loopback_id: 0
This data is defined in host_vars/nac-ndfc1/vrfs.nac.yaml
and contains the overlay VRF data.
- name: NaC-VRF01
vrf_id: 150001
vlan_id: 2001
attach_group: all
- name: NaC-VRF02
vrf_id: 150002
vlan_id: 2002
attach_group: leaf1
- name: NaC-VRF03
vrf_id: 150003
vlan_id: 2003
attach_group: leaf2
- name: all
- { hostname: netascode-leaf1 }
- { hostname: netascode-leaf2 }
- { hostname: netascode-leaf3 }
- { hostname: netascode-leaf4 }
- name: leaf1
- { hostname: netascode-leaf1 }
- name: leaf2
- { hostname: netascode-leaf2 }
- name: leaf3
- { hostname: netascode-leaf3 }
- name: leaf4
- { hostname: netascode-leaf4 }
This data is defined in host_vars/nac-ndfc1/networks.nac.yaml
and contains the overlay Network data.
- name: NaC-Net01
vrf_name: NaC-VRF01
net_id: 130001
vlan_id: 2301
vlan_name: NaC-Net01_vlan2301
gw_ip_address: ""
attach_group: all
- name: NaC-Net02
vrf_name: NaC-VRF02
net_id: 130002
vlan_id: 2302
vlan_name: NaC-Net02_vlan2302
gw_ip_address: ""
attach_group: leaf1
- name: NaC-Net03
vrf_name: NaC-VRF03
net_id: 130003
vlan_id: 2303
vlan_name: NaC-Net03_vlan2303
gw_ip_address: ""
gw_ipv6_address: "2001::1/64"
route_target_both: True
l3gw_on_border: True
mtu_l3intf: 7600
int_desc: "Configured by NetAsCode"
attach_group: leaf2
- name: all
- { hostname: netascode-leaf1, ports: [Ethernet1/13, Ethernet1/14] }
- { hostname: netascode-leaf2, ports: [Ethernet1/13, Ethernet1/14] }
- name: leaf1
- { hostname: netascode-leaf1, ports: [] }
- name: leaf2
- { hostname: netascode-leaf2, ports: [] }
Run the playbook using the following command:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml vxlan.yaml
The data in host_vars/nac-ndfc1
will be processed by the main vxlan.yaml
playbook and do the following:
- Create a fabric called
using the data fromglobal.nac.yaml
files. - Add 2 Spine and 4 Leaf devices using the data defined in the
file. - Add 3 VRFs and 3 Networks using the data defined in