RPi-LED-Matrix is a project at the HS Mainz to display messages from different sources on a 8x8 LED Matrix.
- Stores the messages
- Text
- Author
- Scrollspeed
- Flags messages that are already shown
- Maps Messages to Providers
- Runs as daemon
- Connects to the LED Matrix via SPI by using the luma.led_matrix framework
- Grabs messages from the database, formats and displays them
- 2s pause to preserve the databse
- Triggerd by Cronjob (every minute)
- Connects to the Telegram Bot API (REST)
- Grabs the messages
- Inserts them into the Database
- Triggerd by Cronjob (every minute)
- Connects to the Twitter API using the python-twitter framework
- Grabs mentions and tweets of specific accounts
- Inserts them into the Database
- Likes and retweets them
- Create twitter app via apps.twitter.com
- Insert app details to the configuration file
- Create a bot via Botfather
- Insert the bot-token to the configuration file
- Python 2.7
- pip install python-twitter
- pip install luma.core luma.led_matrix
@reboot screen -AmdS LED-Daemon /opt/led/start.sh
* * * * * cd /opt/led/; /usr/bin/python2.7 cron_telegram.py
* * * * * cd /opt/led/; /usr/bin/python2.7 cron_twitter.py