Telegram Bot API template, with aiogram, peewee and docker
Click here to create repository from this template or:
$ git clone <your project name>
$ cd <your project name>
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# initialize database
$ pw_migrate migrate --database $(python --directory ./migrations
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make db_upgrade
# run pooling
$ python
# or webhook
$ python
Copy file .env.dist
and rename it to .env
$ cp .env.dist .env
Than configure variables
$ vim .env
# or
$ nano .env
- administrators ids divided by ,
# example
# or one admin
- bot token from @BotFather
# example
- throttling rate limit (anti-spam)
# example
RATE_LIMIT=0.5 # seconds
- enable telegram test server
# example
TELEGRAM_TEST_SERVER=false # disabled
Sqlite by default but if you want to use postgres you can configurate it
# Dababase postgres
DATABASE_USER=<some username>
DATABASE_PASS=<some password>
DATABASE_NAME=<some database name>
By default the bot can be run without radish, but if you want you can configurate it
# example
If you are using pooling leave them blank
# example
WEBHOOK_PORT=8080 # run webhook on port
WEBHOOK_HOST= # webhook domain must be https
WEBHOOK_PATH=/path/to/webhook # some custom path to webhook where telegram will send updates
# grant execution rights
$ chmod +x ./bin/
$ docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make run
# or only make
$ make
if you are using webhook you should uncomment ports line in docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose exec bot /bin/bash
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make exec
$ docker-compose logs -f bot
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make logs
$ docker-compose restart bot
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make restart
$ docker-compose build --no-cache
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make build
$ docker-compose stop
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make stop
$ docker-compose exec postgres psql -U postgres postgres
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make psql
$ pw_migrate create --auto --database $(python --directory ./migrations "<some revision message>"
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make db_revision "<some revision message>"
$ pw_migrate migrate --database $(python --directory ./migrations
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make db_upgrade
you can get more information on peewee_migrate
$ mkdir -p data/backups/postgres && docker-compose exec -T postgres pg_dump -U postgres postgres --no-owner | gzip -9 > data/backups/postgres/backup-$(shell date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).sql.gz
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make pg_dump
$ mkdir -p data/backups/postgres && bash ./bin/
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make pg_restore
first you should extract all messages from bot
$ pybabel extract --input-dirs=. -o data/locales/bot.pot --project=bot
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make pybabel_extract
then init languages
$ pybabel init -i data/locales/bot.pot -d data/locales -D bot -l <language code>
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make pybabel_init <language code>
finaly translate messages in /data/locales/<language code>/LC_MESSAGES/bot.po
and compile translations
$ pybabel compile -d data/locales -D bot --statistics
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make pybabel_compile
to add new messages to already existing translations you should extract again
and then write this command
$ pybabel update -i data/locales/bot.pot -d data/locales -D bot
# or if you have make you can simply type
$ make pybabel_update
and finaly translate and compile again
├───bin # some bath scripts for docker
│ ├───filters # some aiogram filters
│ ├───handlers
│ │ ├───errors # error handlers
│ │ └───users # message handlers
│ ├───keyboards
│ │ ├───default # aiogram markups
│ │ └───inline # aiogram inline markups
│ ├───middlewares # aiogram middlewares
│ └───states # aiogram states
│ ├───backups # database backups
│ │ └───postgres
│ ├───locales # i18n locales
│ └───logs # bot logs
├───models # database models
├───services # database services
└───utils # some helpful things
Automatically deploy bot to your server by ssh using github actions
you should configure github actions secrets on<username>/<repo>/settings/secrets/actions
- ssh server
- ssh server port, by default 22
- ssh username
- private ssh key
- path to your cloned repository