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Installing Netshot 0.16 or more recent on Linux server

SCadilhac edited this page Dec 15, 2024 · 23 revisions

1. Database server

Install the database engine:

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql
# OR
$ sudo yum install postgresql15-server postgresql15
# or any other way depending on your package manager

Create database and user for Netshot:

$ sudo /usr/pgsql-15/bin/postgresql-15-setup initdb # For RHEL/CentOS
$ sudo systemctl enable postgresql-15.service       # For RHEL/CentOS
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql-15.service        # For RHEL/CentOS
$ sudo -u postgres psql
# CREATE DATABASE netshot01 WITH OWNER 'netshot' ENCODING 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0;
# \q

Note: Please see the Security customization section below in regards to the database access password.

For RHEL/CentOS, ensure local MD5-based connections to the PostgreSQL DB are allowed, i.e. the presence of following lines in /var/lib/pgsql/15/data/pg_hba.conf:

host    all             all               md5
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

2. Install GraalVM JRE

Netshot requires the GraalVM JRE (in order to run Javascript and Python scripts).

Compatibility matrix:

Netshot Graal
0.16.0 - 0.16.3 21.1.0 (former numbering)
0.16.4 - 0.18.x 21.3.0 (former numbering)
0.19.x 17.0.8-graal
0.20.0 and newer 21.0.4-graal

For modern GraalVM versions:

$ wget --quiet${GRAALVM_VERSION%%.*}/archive/graalvm-jdk-${GRAALVM_VERSION}_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz && \ 
    tar xvzf graalvm-jdk-${GRAALVM_VERSION}_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz && \
    rm -f graalvm-jdk-${GRAALVM_VERSION}_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz && \
    JDIR=$(ls -d graalvm-jdk-${GRAALVM_VERSION}* | tail -n 1) && \
    mkdir ${JDIR}/languages && \
    sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm && \
    sudo mv ${JDIR} /usr/lib/jvm/${JDIR}
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/${JDIR}/bin/java 92200
$ sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/${JDIR}/bin/java
# OR
$ sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/graalvm/bin/java 92200

Check that java now points to GraalVM JRE:

$ java -version 2>&1 | grep Environment | grep GraalVM

It should return something like:

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Oracle GraalVM 21.0.4+8.1 (build 21.0.4+8-LTS-jvmci-23.1-b41)

For GraalVM 17, install the JS and Python languages from GraalVM (ignore for GraalVM 21):

sudo /usr/lib/jvm/graalvm/bin/gu install js python

3. Other prerequisites

Some basic packages are required to be installed under RHEL/CentOS:

sudo yum install tar unzip freetype fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts

For Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install fontconfig

4. Add a dedicated system user

$ sudo adduser --system --home /usr/local/netshot --disabled-password --disabled-login netshot
# OR
$ sudo useradd --system -k /dev/null --create-home --home /usr/local/netshot -s /bin/false netshot

5. Create the SSL certificate

This certificate will be used by the embedded http server. Please see the Security customization section below for more information.

$ sudo /usr/lib/jvm/graalvm/bin/keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore /usr/local/netshot/netshot.pfx -storepass password -validity 820 -keysize 4096 -storetype pkcs12 -ext san=dns:localhost -dname "CN=localhost, OU=Netshot, O=Netshot, L=A, ST=OCC, C=FR" -ext KeyUsage=nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment -ext ExtendedKeyUsage=serverAuth

Press Enter when asked for a password (we don't use an additional password to protect the key in the keystore).

$ sudo chmod o-r /usr/local/netshot/netshot.pfx

6. Download and install Netshot

  • Select your version on the Release page.
  • Download that file onto your Ubuntu server and unzip (replace X.Y.Z with the actual version, e.g. 0.16.0):
$ mkdir netshot_${NETSHOT_VERSION} && cd netshot_${NETSHOT_VERSION}
# OR
$ curl -L${NETSHOT_VERSION}/netshot_${NETSHOT_VERSION}.zip --remote-name
$ unzip netshot_${NETSHOT_VERSION}.zip
$ sudo cp netshot.jar /usr/local/netshot
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/netshot/drivers
$ sudo chown -R netshot /usr/local/netshot
$ sudo mkdir /var/local/netshot
$ sudo chown -R netshot /var/local/netshot
$ sudo mkdir /var/log/netshot
$ sudo chown -R netshot /var/log/netshot
$ sudo cp netshot.conf /etc/netshot.conf
$ sudo chown netshot /etc/netshot.conf
$ sudo chmod 400 /etc/netshot.conf
$ sudo cp systemd-netshot /etc/systemd/system/netshot.service
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable netshot.service

7. Start Netshot service

$ sudo systemctl start netshot

Now you should be able to access Netshot with a browser, on https://localhost:8443/ on the machine itself. Use the account admin (password netshot) for the initial login (then you can create the real users in the Admin section).

8. Security considerations

SSL certificate

For production purpose it is recommended to request and install a certificate approved by an authority you trust, and to use a strong password to protect the keystore (see netshot.http.ssl.keystore.pass line in netshot.conf).

Reverse proxy

Another option is to run Netshot behind a reverse proxy, such as NGINX.

In this case, if the reverse proxy and Netshot are located on the same machine, it might be (arguably) acceptable to run non-SSL http between the reverse proxy and Netshot. Use netshot.http.ssl.enabled = false in netshot.conf for this purpose.

Database access password

It is highly recommended to set up another password than the default 'password' to access the Netshot DB. Use netshot.db.password option in netshot.conf to change the password.

Sensitive information password

In the DB, sensitive information such as device access CLI accounts and SNMP communities are encrypted using a password. Is is recommended to change this password: please see option netshot.db.encryptionpassword in netshot.conf.

Database backup

For production servers, it is highly recommended to schedule automatic backups of the DB and of the binary snapshot folder (/var/local/netshot by default). You might also want to back up the Sensitive information password (see above) in a different place.

10. Optional - Syslog and SNMP trap UDP ports

By default, Netshot listens to non-privileged ports UDP/1162 (for SNMP traps) and UDP/1514 (for Syslog messages) instead of (respectively) UDP/162 and UDP/514.

If you want Netshot to detect changes from Syslog and/or SNMP messages sent by the devices without changing the default target ports on devices, you can edit netshot.conf and set the default ports, using the following parameters:

netshot.syslog.port = 514
netshot.snmptrap.port = 162

Although running with non-root user, Netshot should be able to listen to privileged UDP ports thanks to CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE capability set by SystemD launch file.