Im still in the development and documentation phase of the container.
docker-freeradius-1x is a freeradius server based on Alpine Linux. The primary use case is 802.1X using EAP-TLS and PEAP. The docker image is initially provisioned (first time only) with:
- A demo CA for 802.1X EAP-TLS and PEAP (optional)
- Only one hierarchy
- CA based on openssl
- CA basedir in container /etc/rad1x/CA
- Hardened freeradius config:
- Tuned "eap" config file (mods-available) to support EAP-TLS and PEAP only
- Tunel "sites-available / default" config file to support EAP-TLS and PEAP only
Link to docker hub:
To run the docker container "ready-to-use" with the demoCA and SSL server certificates
docker run -d -e "DOCKER_ENV_CA_PRIVKEY_PASS=myPassPhrase" \
-p 1812:1812/udp -p 1813:1813/udp -v /etc/raddb -v /etc/rad1x netgab/freeradius-1x
The environment variable DOCKER_ENV_CA_PRIVKEY_PASS sets the private key passphrase for the CA: Please change "myPassPhrase" to another secret only known to you!
To run the docker container without a prebuild demo CA without SSL server certificates
docker run -d -p 1812:1812/udp -p 1813:1813/udp -v /etc/raddb -v /etc/rad1x netgab/freeradius-1x
The absence of the environment variable DOCKER_ENV_CA_PRIVKEY_PASS indicates that you don't want a demo CA. Please put your own SSL server certificate, private key and CA chain into the /etc/raddb/certs directory.
- SSL server certificate: /etc/raddb/server.pem
- SSL server private key: /etc/raddb/server.key
- CA certificate chain: /etc/raddb/ca.pem
If your private key is protected by a passphrase please adjust the file /etc/raddb/mods-available/eap The parameter "private_key_password" must be uncommented and the private key must be set.
tls-config tls-common {
private_key_password = whatever
💡 Recommendation:
I recommend using the a user defined bridging network when running the container. I have also an eapol testing container (
and it's very useful to put the 802.1X EAP test app into the same user-defined network bridge as the RADIUS server, because of the built-in name resolution
between the containers. Therefore, handling of the clients.conf
file and the RADIUS server within the test container becomes more easy.
It's very easy using docker-compose for this. See below for docker-compose files.
Basically it's freeradius, right? So I recommend reading the freeradius 3 documentation. However, if you change config files, you need to restart the freeradius service afterwards:
docker restart <CONTAINER>
Here are some little hints how to start:
Create at least on entry for the RADIUS clients in that file (e.g. switches, AP, WLC) Example:
client myAP {
ipaddr =
secret = testing123
Create at least on entry for the RADIUS clients in that file (e.g. switches, AP, WLC) Example:
client myAP {
ipaddr =
secret = testing123
In case the container does stop immediately after starting, a failure in the freeradius configuration files might be the reason. Try starting the container attached and interactive to troubleshoot. You'll get the verbose loggin from freeradius on your shell:
docker start -ai <CONTAINER-ID>
The demoCA is based on openSSL and is stored in /etc/rad1x/CA. If the demoCA should be used in production (not really recommended), the CA directory must be exposed as well
docker run -d -e "DOCKER_ENV_CA_PRIVKEY_PASS=myPassPhrase" \
-p 1812:1812/udp -p 1813:1813/udp \
-v /etc/raddb -v /etc/rad1x netgab/freeradius-1x
- CA
- Private key size (RSA): 4096 Bit
- Private key passphrase: Set via environmental variable DOCKER_ENV_CA_PRIVKEY_PASS
- Validity: 3650 days (10 years)
- freeradius server certificate
- Private key size (RSA): 4096 Bit
- Hash algorithm: SHA256
- Validity: 730 days (2 years)
For EAP-TLS and PEAP, your clients must trust the CA root cert in /etc/rad1x/CA/ca.pem (For Windows, just change the file extension from .pem to .crt).
From my point of view it's a good idea using docker-compose to manage the containers. Especially when using the eapol_test container (RADIUS test client) to enable name resolution between the containers.
Change to directory with the docker-compose file:
View logs
docker-compose logs
Open bash of running freeradius-1x container
docker-compose exec freeradius-1x /bin/bash