This is a Hornet Security / Altaro VM Backup v8 and v9 data exporter for Prometheus
You can find an example dashboard in the examples directory
On the release page, you'll find precompiled binaries that are digitally signed.
The exporter needs to be installed on the host that has Altaro VM Backup installed (since discussing with the API from anywhere else fails with HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid.
Extract the zip file to let's say C:\altaro_exporter
In the directory, you'll find the binaries. Grab yourself a copy of altaro_exporter.yaml
found in this repository and copy it into the same directory.
Unless you want to change the altaro_exporter password regulary, you should create a service account (local admin) which you will use to connect to Altaro console, and use for the exporter.
Configure your local/domain administrator account according to your needs. Don't worry, once running, the user and password will be encrypted.
Also, configure if you want to include non scheduled and/or unconfigured VMs in your metrics.
By default, we include them since it makes sense to have too much information.
Nevertheless, on a lot of backup policies, they should be excluded in order to avoid false positives.
Once you're done, create a Windows Service with the following commands in an elevated command line prompt:
sc create altaro_exporter DisplayName= "HornetSecurity Altaro API exporter for Prometheus" start= auto binpath= "c:\altaro_exporter\altaro_exporter-x64.exe -c c:\altaro_exporter\altaro_exporter.yaml"
sc Description altaro_exporter "Altaro API exporter service by NetInvent"
Launch the service:
sc start altaro_exporter
You should now have a running Windows Service as seen in services.msc
On elder versions of VMBackup (prior to v9.1), you must also enable the Altaro REST API service with the following command:
sc config Hornetsecurity.VMBackup.Rest start= auto
sc start Hornetsecurity.VMBackup.Rest
You can now query the exporter with:
curl http://localhost:9769/metrics
The default exporter-port is 9769/tcp, which you can change in the config file. Keep in mind that you need to create a firewall rule if you want to query it's output.
You can create the firewall rule with the following command:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Hornet Security / Altaro exporter" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=9769 action=allow
API status metric
altaro_api_success (0 = OK, 1 = Cannot connect to API, 2 = API didn't like our request)
The follwoing metrics have this labels:
altaro_lastoffsitecopy_result (0 = Succces, 1 = Warning, 2 = Error, 3 = Unknown, 4 = Other (includes various errors like BASEBACKUPCONTROLLER_18))
altaro_lastbackup_result (0 = Succces, 1 = Warning, 2 = Error, 3 = Unknown, 4 = Other (includes various errors))
- alert: Last Backup not successful
expr: altaro_lastbackup_result{} > 0
for: 1m
- alert: Last OffSite Copy not successful
expr: altaro_lastoffsitecopy_result{} > 0
for: 1m
- alert: Last Backup older than 30 hours
expr: time() < 3600 * 30 - altaro_lastbackup_timestamp
for: 1m
- alert: Last OffSite Copy older than 30 hours
expr: time() < 3600 * 30 - altaro_lastoffsitecopy_timestamp
for: 1m
This program has currently been tested on HornetSecurity v9.0, v9.1 and v9.3.
By default, the exporter will log to current binary directory into a file named altaro_exporter.log
Of course, you can also run the executable manually.
Depending on your HornetSecurity / Altaro version, you'll have to change the altaro_rest_port
and altaro_rest_path
settings accordingly (see the example yaml config file).
You may also run the exporter with --debug
in order to gain more information.
For those who prefer compiling the project themselves, you can install Python >= 3.8 and install requirements in requirements.txt
and requirements-compile.txt
Once this is done, you can simply launch the
script from the root folder of the project.
Optionally, you can modifiy the settings / icons in the resources directory.
Note that in order to produce a proper Windows Service, you'll need Nuitka Commercial, please see
If you have a physical USB token for code signing, you can use the following:
from windows_tools.signtool import SignTool
s = SignTool()
We don't currently provide pip packages since the idea is to execute plain executable windows service files.
If requested, we can provide pip packages too.
Licensed under MIT License, so do whatever you want with it... Contributions are welcome
(C) 2024-2025 NetInvent SASU
(C) 2020 Raphael Pertl
Based on the work of Raphael Pertl available here