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react-svg-timeline GitHub license npm version

A React event timeline component based on SVG.

  • Event Points & Periods
  • Event Tooltips
  • Event Lanes
  • Semantic Zoom (10 Years, 1 Year, 1 Week, 1 Day, etc)
  • Custom "rubber band" Zoom
  • Panning


Out of the box – plain & simple:

Explore our interactive demo for more details on customizations. The demo code can be found in the react-svg-timeline-demo repository.

Alternatively, you are free to use just the zooming & panning interaction logic, e.g. as a layer of the awesome Nivo line chart:


yarn add react-svg-timeline


npm install react-svg-timeline

Note that react and react-dom (version >=16.3) must already be installed.


This is the simplest possible way to get started:

import * as React from 'react'
import { Timeline } from 'react-svg-timeline'

export const App = () => {
  const laneId = 'demo-lane'
  const lanes = [
      label: 'Demo Lane',
  const events = [
      eventId: 'event-1',
      tooltip: 'Event 1',
      startTimeMillis: 1167606000000,
      endTimeMillis: 1230698892000,
      eventId: 'event-2',
      tooltip: 'Event 2',
      laneId: laneId,
      startTimeMillis: 1399845600000,
  const dateFormat = (ms: number) => new Date(ms).toLocaleString()
  return <Timeline width={600} height={300} events={events} lanes={lanes} dateFormat={dateFormat} />

Please check the react-svg-timeline-demo repository for a full-fledged feature demonstration.


To override the default theme, you can use the theme property.

If your project is using Material UI, the deriveTimelineTheme convenience function makes it particularly easy to use the MUI theme as a basis:

import * as React from 'react'

// MUI v4
import { useTheme } from '@material-ui/core'

// MUI v5
import { useTheme } from '@mui/material'

import { Timeline } from 'react-svg-timeline'

const App = () => {
  const materialTheme = useTheme()

  // MUI v4
  const type = materialTheme.palette.type

  // MUI v5
  const type = materialTheme.palette.mode

  const theme = deriveTimelineTheme(materialTheme.palette.mode, materialTheme)
  return <Timeline theme={theme} /** all other props here **/ />

If you would just like to override certain aspects of the default timeline theme, use the createTimelineTheme helper function:

const theme = createTimelineTheme({ event: { markFillColor: 'pink' } })

Library Development

Local Development

To run the timeline locally with HMR, execute the following command:

yarn start


To run the storybook locally, execute the following command:

yarn storybook


To run the tests, execute the following command:

yarn test


To build the library, execute the following command:

yarn build

Testing a release candidate

The easiest way to test a release candidate locally is to create a symlink to the local library from your consuming project:

cd /path/to/consuming/project/node_modules
ln -s /path/to/local/react-svg-timeline react-svg-timeline

You can later remove the symlink via rm -d react-svg-timeline.

Publishing a release

Before publishing a release, make sure to update the version number in package.json.

git tag vX.Y.Z
(yarn npm login)
yarn npm publish
git push --tags

After publishing and pushing the tag, you can add a release on GitHub with autogenerated release notes.


Thank you:


Licensed under MIT License.

© Rahel Lüthy & Jan Azzati 2022