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Version 1.0 Release Announcement

metafloor edited this page Aug 29, 2016 · 7 revisions

Version 1.0 was released June 16, 2016.

This is the first version of bwipjs to use an optimizing cross-compiler (included in the github repo) that statically analyzes the postscript code and converts it to equivalent javascript. The emitted code is very human readable and more javascript-like than postscript. There are still lots a places where postscript semantics must be followed and the postscript operand stack is still very visible, but overall, the code is much simpler to understand and easier to debug.

But most important of all, it is fast - in some cases, over an order of magnitude faster. See the tables below for performance comparisons between version 0.16 and 1.0.

And not to be lost by the speed gains is the new code size. The old cross-compiled code was bloated. So large that it had to be asynchronously loaded to keep performance from suffering. The new code is compact. The entire BWIPP code, along with all the supporting postscript logic, is a single file, 1/8 the size of the old code. There is no more need to asynchronously load the scripts; it can be downloaded (or require()'d) in one shot.

The following tables shows performance comparisons between version 0.16 and version 1.0 encoders. The data was compiled using benchmark.js file included in the develop branch. The times include the BWIPP renderers but do not include the time required to convert to a PNG image.

Overall run times for the benchmark were as follows:

  • version 0.16: 678.4 seconds
  • version 1.0: 78.4 seconds

The first table is sorted slowest to fastest for each version. The msecs columns show the average time required to generate one bar code. These times may not correspond to what you experience as the benchmark is designed to push the encoders and generates bar codes that contain more data than typical.

version 0.16 msecs version 1.0 msecs
qrcode 828 maxicode 63
maxicode 471 qrcode 53
hanxin 457 code39 40
azteccode 328 sscc18 36
databarexpandedstackedcomp. 320 hanxin 36
datamatrix 255 ean13composite 35
databarexpandedstacked 225 databarexpandedstackedcomp. 35
databarstackedomnicomposite 195 gs1-128composite 31
pdf417 173 databarexpandedcomposite 28
databarexpandedcomposite 156 code128 26
gs1-128composite 155 azteccode 25
ean13composite 122 databarexpandedstacked 25
databarstackedcomposite 112 datamatrix 24
upcacomposite 104 pdf417 22
databaromnicomposite 103 upcacomposite 22
databarstackedomni 103 upca 21
databartruncatedcomposite 99 databarstackedomnicomposite 20
databarlimitedcomposite 98 ean8composite 19
ean8composite 97 databarexpanded 17
upcecomposite 95 itf14 17
databarexpanded 72 databaromnicomposite 16
code39 49 ean13 16
sscc18 48 code93 16
ean13 48 upcecomposite 16
code128 48 databarstackedcomposite 14
onecode 40 ean8 13
code93 36 databartruncatedcomposite 12
upca 32 databarstackedomni 12
itf14 30 databarlimitedcomposite 11
databarstacked 29 upce 9
ean8 27 databaromni 7
databaromni 26 onecode 5
databarlimited 20 japanpost 5
japanpost 18 planet 4
upce 18 databartruncated 3
planet 14 royalmail 3
royalmail 14 databarstacked 3
databartruncated 13 databarlimited 3
postnet 12 postnet 3

This next table is the same data, but sorted by encoder name to show the performance gains side by side.

encoder version 0.16
version 1.0
azteccode 328 25
code128 48 26
code39 49 40
code93 36 16
databarexpanded 72 17
databarexpandedcomposite 156 28
databarexpandedstacked 225 25
databarexpandedstackedcomposite 320 35
databarlimited 20 3
databarlimitedcomposite 98 11
databaromni 26 7
databaromnicomposite 103 16
databarstacked 29 3
databarstackedcomposite 112 14
databarstackedomni 103 12
databarstackedomnicomposite 195 20
databartruncated 13 3
databartruncatedcomposite 99 12
datamatrix 255 24
ean13 48 16
ean13composite 122 35
ean8 27 13
ean8composite 97 19
gs1-128composite 155 31
hanxin 457 36
itf14 30 17
japanpost 18 5
maxicode 471 63
onecode 40 5
pdf417 173 22
planet 14 4
postnet 12 3
qrcode 828 53
royalmail 14 3
sscc18 48 36
upca 32 21
upcacomposite 104 22
upce 18 9
upcecomposite 95 16

This is just the initial release of bwipjs with its new cross-compiler. There are still many opportunities to improve both speed and code size. But I could use your help. The test cases for many of the bar code symbols are incomplete and many branches of code have never been run. If you are a javascript developer and want to help, please see Code Coverage.