Dockerfile and helper scripts for building the neut-quickstart container.
For a reasonably up-to-date image, see picker24/neut580_quickstart:alma9.
For requests for equivalent images with other version of NEUT, or for any other feature requests, contact: or raise an issue on this repository.
Run the halp
command to see what you can do with the container, e.g.
$ docker run -it --rm picker24/neut580_quickstart:alma9 halp
Installed Software
All non-system software is installed to /opt.
The majority of the software is available in the environment from the start.
See, e.g.
$ which neutroot2
Check the full environment with:
$ printenv
Sub-halp commands exist for software-specific help, try:
$ halp neut
$ halp neutroot2
$ halp neutvect-converter
$ halp neut-quickstart
$ halp docker_run
Enter the container like: docker run -it --rm picker24/neut580_quickstart:alma9
For advice on a docker
interface with slightly improved QOL, see docker_run.
Run neut-quickstart --help
within the container to see the options for an included high-level NEUT CLI:
$ neut-quickstart --help
Required options:
-o|--output <filename.hepmc3> : Output HepMC3 file
-n|--nevents <numevents> : Specify the number of events to process or generate.
--neut-card <neut.card> : NEUT card to specialize
--neut-param <pname> <val> : Specify arbitrary NEUT parameters.
This will override parameters in the base card or set elsewhere
in this script.
This can be used more than once.
-t|--target <C|O|CH|H2O|Fe> : Specify the target nucleus/molecule.
-s|--species <nu[mu,e][,b]> : Specify the neutrino species.
-f|--flux <file.root><,histname> : Throw an event rate according to flux * cross section.
Flux histogram should be binned in GeV.
--uniform <from> <to> : Throw a uniform event rate as a function of energy in MeV.
--mono-E <E> : Throw a events with energy E in MeV.
--verbose : Let NEUT say its thing
--force : Continue even if output file already exists
--debug : Copy NEUT card file and intermediate neutvect.root file, if it
iexists, back to the output directory.
--help : Print this message
To throw 100 numu events on a water target with a 5 GeV mono-energetic beam, you might run:
$ neut-quickstart -n 100 -t H2O --mono-E 5000 -o H2O.tiny.5GeV.hepmc3
This might output the example file, here: H2O.tiny.5GeV.hepmc3.
If you are running a significant number of events, you can compress the output file by specifying
something like: -o H2O.tiny.5GeV.hepmc3.gz
The docker_run
shell function can be useful for QOL improvements on docker run
. It automatically
attaches std in/out to a nw ephemeral container, mounts the host user home directory and sets
the working directory to $(pwd)
on the host if it is a subdirectory of the host user home directory.
To see the shell function, run:
$ docker run -it --rm picker24/neut580_quickstart:alma9 halp docker_run
The below shell function can be used to launch and attach to an ephemeral docker container while bind mounting the host users'
home directory. This makes it function a bit more like apptainer shell from a user's perspective.
function docker_run {
#Get a sanitised version of the full container name
local CONT_NAME=$(echo ${1} | sed "s|.*/\(.*\):.*|\1|g" )
#Checks if you are currently in a subdir of your homedir
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
local LOC=$(pwd -P)/
case ${LOC} in
local STRIPPED=${LOC##${HOME}/}
# If you are, mount it in the container and start in it
if [ ! -z ${STRIPPED} ]; then
docker run --privileged -it --rm --volume ${HOME}:/root --mount type=volume,src=docker_scratch,dst=/scratch \
-e CONT_NAME=${CONT_NAME} -e PS1="\[\e[1m\e[31m\]${CONT_NAME}\[\e(B\e[m\]:\[\e[1m\e[32m\]\$(basename \$(pwd)) $\[\e(B\e[m\] " \
-w /root/${STRIPPED} "${@}"
# Otherwise, assume that you probably want your home directory mounted
docker run --privileged -it --rm --volume ${HOME}:/root --mount type=volume,src=docker_scratch,dst=/scratch \
-e CONT_NAME=${CONT_NAME} -e PS1="\[\e[1m\e[31m\]${CONT_NAME}\[\e(B\e[m\]:\[\e[1m\e[32m\]\$(basename \$(pwd)) $\[\e(B\e[m\]
" \
-w /root "$@"
Then you can add the function code to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
and use docker_run ...
instead of docker run -it --rm ...
For example, if you run the following from the directory ${HOME}/work/neut/myrun
$ docker_run picker24/neut580_quickstart:alma9 neut-quickstart -n 100 -t H2O -o H2O.tiny.hepmc3
it will be expanded to
$ docker run -it --rm --volume ${HOME}:/root -w /root/work/neut/myrun picker24/neut580_quickstart:alma9 neut-quickstart -n 100 -t H2O -o H2O.tiny.hepmc3