Serial, Program, and NMI interface for Teensy 4.x (or any other board!) on a Raspberry Pi Pico board.
USB to UART bridge on pins GPIO4 (Tx) and GPIO5 (Rx)
Active LOW (pull up) Program signal for Teensy on GPIO2.
To simulate a 50 ms button press, change the USB serial port to 301 baud (the actual UART speed won't change). -
Active HIGH (pull down) NMI signal (or any other use) on GPIO3.
To simulate a 50 ms button press, change the USB serial port speed to 302 baud (the actual UART speed won't change). -
All other speed values and line parameters will actually change the UART settings.
The default line parameters are 115200 b/s, 8N1.
Other pins can be easily associated with other speed settings.
Licensed under BSD 3 clause (TeensyBridge, Pico SDK) and MIT (Tinyusb)