Mapping between SLIP-0044 coin types and the associated metadata
SLIP-0044 is a standard that defines coin type values for use in hierarchical deterministic wallets. This crate provides type-safe access to coin types and their metadata.
Add the following dependency to your Cargo manifest...
nil-slip44 = "0.3.8"
...and see the docs or What can I do? section below for how to use it.
use std::{convert::TryFrom, str::FromStr};
use nil_slip44::{Coin, Symbol};
assert_eq!(, 0);
assert_eq!(Coin::Bitcoin.ids(), vec![0]); // Coin may have multiple IDs (e.g. Credits)
assert_eq!(, "Bitcoin");
assert_eq!(Coin::Bitcoin.to_string(), "Bitcoin");
assert_eq!(, 5757);
assert_eq!(Coin::Stacks.ids(), vec![5757]); // Coin may have multiple IDs (e.g. Credits)
assert_eq!(, "Stacks");
assert_eq!(Coin::Stacks.to_string(), "Stacks");
assert_eq!(Coin::try_from(0), Ok(Coin::Bitcoin)); // Try to get Coin from its ID
assert_eq!(Coin::try_from(5757), Ok(Coin::Stacks)); // Try to get Coin from its ID
assert_eq!(Coin::from_str("Bitcoin"), Ok(Coin::Bitcoin));
assert_eq!(Coin::from_str("Stacks"), Ok(Coin::Stacks));
assert_eq!(Coin::from(Symbol::BTC), Coin::Bitcoin); // Get Coin from its Symbol (can't fail, all symbols have associated coins)
assert_eq!(Coin::from(Symbol::STX), Coin::Stacks);
assert_eq!(Symbol::BTC.to_string(), "BTC");
assert_eq!(Symbol::STX.to_string(), "STX");
assert_eq!(Symbol::try_from(0), Ok(Symbol::BTC)); // Try to get coin Symbol from its ID
assert_eq!(Symbol::try_from(5757), Ok(Symbol::STX)); // Try to get coin Symbol from its ID
assert_eq!(Symbol::try_from(Coin::Bitcoin), Ok(Symbol::BTC)); // Try to convert Coin to Symbol (can fail if no Symbol for Coin is specified)
assert_eq!(Symbol::try_from(Coin::Stacks), Ok(Symbol::STX));
assert_eq!(Symbol::from_str("BTC"), Ok(Symbol::BTC));
assert_eq!(Symbol::from_str("STX"), Ok(Symbol::STX));
cargo run --bin parse-coins