Make shoulda-matchers available for minitest-rails.
In Rails 3 and Bundler, add the following to your Gemfile:
group :test do
gem "minitest-rails-shoulda"
Add the following to your test helper:
require "minitest/rails/shoulda"
Matchers to test associations:
describe Post do
subject { }
it { must belong_to(:user) }
it { must have_many(:tags).through(:taggings) }
describe User do
subject { }
it { must have_many(:posts) }
Matchers to test validations and mass assignments:
describe Post do
subject { }
it { must validate_uniqueness_of(:title) }
it { must validate_presence_of(:body).with_message(/wtf/) }
it { must validate_presence_of(:title) }
it { must validate_numericality_of(:user_id) }
describe User do
subject { }
it { wont allow_value("blah").for(:email) }
it { must allow_value("").for(:email) }
it { must ensure_inclusion_of(:age).in_range(1..100) }
it { wont allow_mass_assignment_of(:password) }
Matchers to test common patterns:
describe PostsController, "#show" do
context "for a fictional user" do
before do
get :show, :id => 1
it { must assign_to(:user) }
it { must respond_with(:success) }
it { must render_template(:show) }
it { wont set_the_flash }
# collection contains some value
assert_contains collection, "a"
assert_contains collection, /a/
assert_contains collection, 3
# or
refute_does_not_contain collection, "a"
refute_does_not_contain collection, /a/
refute_does_not_contain collection, 3
# collection does not contain some value
refute_contains collection, "b"
refute_contains collection, /b/
refute_contains collection, 5
# or
assert_does_not_contain collection, "b"
assert_does_not_contain collection, /b/
assert_does_not_contain collection, 5
# collections contain the same elements
assert_same_elements [1, b, "3"], ["3", 1, b]
# collection does not contain the same elements
refute_same_elements [1, b, "3"], ["4", b, 1]
And as Expectations:
# collection contains some value
collection.must_contain "a"
collection.must_contain /a/
collection.must_contain 3
# collection does not contain some value
collection.wont_contain "b"
collection.wont_contain /b/
collection.wont_contain 5
# collections contain the same elements
[1, b, "3"].must_have_same_elements ["3", 1, b]
# collection does not contain the same elements
[1, b, "3"].wont_have_same_elements ["4", b, 1]
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Many thanks go to the following who have contributed to making this library even better:
- Freely distributable and licensed under the MIT license.