This setup is focused around running docker apps for node, mongo, nginx, and certbot on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server. I also include some basic steps for a local dev setup.
Run this command to start the install process on ubuntu server. Skip the server setup scripts section if your running on a local development envirorment.
curl -sL| bash -s ""
Replace "" argument with the hostname for the ubuntu server. Don't include any arguments if you don't want to change the hostname.
Once the curl command is complete, follow the instructions on the screen. The script will need to be executed as root. This setup script will do a few things.
- Define an app location on the server. The default is /hewwod
- Clone this repo to the server in the app location
- Upgrade Ubuntu to the latests packages and distro. This script was created for Ubuntu LTS 18.04
Once this script is complete, it will give 10 seconds and then restart the server. Reconnect to the server after reboot.
Make your current working directory the app directory you picked during the script run.
cd /hewwod
Now run the script in the scripts dir
This script will
- Install/update the packages docker docker-compose ufw git npm
- Create a hew user and group hewwod
- Optionally allow addition of a second admin user
- Setup and turn on a firewall (UFW) for posts 80, 443, and 22
- Prompt for domain name
- Setup a SSL Cert using Let's Encrypt using a temp nginx docker image. There are a bunch a questions for this one.
- Moves around and cleans up the cert keys and build once it's complete
- npm install in the app directory
- Change the permission of the entire app dir to hewwod:hewwod
Once this is complete you'll want to change to the hewwod user and run the docker commands
su - hewwod
Change to the app dir
cd /hewwod
Start the mongodb server/docker
docker-compose up -d hewwod-mongo
Check to see if it's running...
docker ps
Now start nginx and api
docker-compose up -d hewwod-nginx
Go to the endpoint api/1.0/workouts and it should work...
Things left to do:
- cron job for certbot (ssl renewal)
- restore backup from existing database to mongodb
On the database to backup
mongodump -d hew -o mongobackup
tar cvzf hew.mongo.backup.tar.gz mongobackup
then copy to server to restore data to
tar xvzf hew.mongo.backup.tar.gz
and restore to new database (requires installing mongodb)
mongorestore -d hew mongobackup/hew
git clone
cd hewwob-web
npm install
docker-compose up hewwod-api
Then go to port 3001 on the localhost