we_clearblue style for phpBB
we_clearblue is a modern style in pastel colours with integrated image slider and social buttons in footer (hidden by default). Dedicated for phpBB 3.2.3. It uses principles of flat design and Responsive Web Design technique. Built with HTML5 & CSS3. Fits great on desktops and various mobile devices. Suitable for any kind of forum communities. Compatible with all major browsers.
Based on prosilver and built using template inheritance that simplifies
customising and updating. All new CSS classes are prefixed with inventea-
namespace and grouped in separate we_clearblue.css
Copy we_clearblue/
directory (it should directly contain template/
and style.cfg
) to styles/
directory from your phpBB
installation. Next go to Administration Control Panel, open Customisation tab and
click Install on the list of uninstalled styles. In the next step check
Make default style option and click Submit.