Some sample projects to demonstrate usage of the IoT Service Blockchain and its SDKs.
Scripts and instructions for setting up a multi-node Hyperledger Fabric network.
Benchmarking IoT Service Blockchain smart contracts using Hyperledger Caliper.
Explore registered devices, services, and service requests/responses on IoT Service Blockchain.
An Android app that streams live video feeds of IoT devices using IoT Service Blockchain.
A smart voice control system built on the IoT Service Blockchain.
If this work is helpful to you, please consider citing the following article:
AUTHOR = {Zhang, Ruipeng and Xu, Chen and Xie, Mengjun},
TITLE = {Secure Decentralized IoT Service Platform Using Consortium Blockchain},
JOURNAL = {Sensors},
VOLUME = {22},
YEAR = {2022},
NUMBER = {21},
URL = {},
ISSN = {1424-8220},
DOI = {10.3390/s22218186}