Malan is a simple C like programming language. It was designed in the Compiler Design course at the University of Akron during the fall semester of 2018. The professor teaching the course is Dr. Andrew Sutton. The name of the language was inspired by Harvard University's Intro to Computer Science CS50 instructor Dr. David Malan.
For language specifications please view this document that was last updated on October 10th, 2018.
To compile using cmake from the project directory execute the following command:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
To run the sample main file containing the AST examples make sure you are in the build directory and execute the following command:
Run ./main
In order to run the unit tests please execute from the build directory:
Or find the appropriate file postfixed with _t
for a more verbose run. For example to run unit tests for expr.cpp execute the binary file