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Enterprise Angular Yeoman Generator

This generator is opinionated. It sums up the current state of my understanding of AngularJS best practices and patterns in an enterprise level project.

These opinions of mine cover various aspects like –but not limited to:

  • Directory layout
  • Naming conventions
  • Grunt over Gulp, Less over SASS
  • When to use a service or a factory
  • The minimum usually required Bower packages
  • How to separate a development workflow from a production build
  • Unit testing

I like it, It works pretty fine for me. Here's hoping it'll work for someone else, too.

Also, I'll keep on updating it as long as I keep working with Angular. So, if you feel like contributing or even discussing with me about improvements or why I'm wrong in your opinion, be my guest.


In order to use the generated AngularJS application, you'll need Grunt and Bower.

npm install -g bower grunt-cli


This is a Yeoman generator, so installing it is a matter of having Yeoman installed:

npm install -g yo

Then install the generator itself:

npm install -g generator-angular-trumbitta

Use the generator

Again, just like every other Yeoman generator, you use it like this:

mkdir <yourappname> && cd <yourappname>
yo angular-trumbitta

You'll be asked some questions:

  1. A name for your app (all lowercase, no spaces, no special characters)
    [OK] robotcrasher
    [KO] suPer Awesome Robot-Crasher!
  2. A description (try to be meaningful, while using less than 10-15 words)
    [OK] A robot crashing app with Spaceship integrations
    [OK] A robot crashing app
    [KO] app
  3. Your full name (e.g. John Smith)
  4. Your email address

The generator will then proceed to run npm install and bower install for you. If either command fails, just try running it by yourself.

This step could take a while, depending on your connection speed, because involves downloading a couple heavyweight packages. Notable offenders are PhantomJS and Bootstrap.

The good news is that you're going to need this done the first time only.

When it's done, launch your newly created angular application to make sure everything worked out as expected:

grunt serve

Then point your browser at http://localhost:9100 just to be greeted by the underwhelming Hello world default page.

Hit ctrl c if you want to stop it.



A resource factory is a factory whose only purpose is to let you access a REST entry point / URL.

Go where you want the new resource factory to be created, then:

$ yo angular-trumbitta:resourceFactory myFactoryName

The factory name argument is optional. If it's not supplied, Yeoman will ask you for it.


The generator wants you to write a thin directive, but it really works for anything else.

Go where you want the new directive to be created, then:

$ yo angular-trumbitta:directive myDirectiveName

The directive name argument is optional. If it's not supplied, Yeoman will ask you for it.

Use the generated application


  1. grunt serve
  2. Hack away while grunt watches for changes together with LiveReload
  3. grunt dist (Or grunt dist-package to create a packaged build in tmp/build) when you are ready to deploy

Or, you could keep on reading and get some useful insights on how this whole thing actually works.

Directory layout

A freshly created app will sport this directory layout:

├── .bowerrc
├── .editorconfig
├── .jscsrc
├── .jshintignore
├── .jshintrc
├── .npmignore
├── Gruntfile.js
├── app
│   ├── app.module.js
│   ├── app.routes.js
│   ├── components
│   │   └── home
│   │       ├── home.controller.js
│   │       ├── home.controller.spec.js
│   │       └── home.template.html
│   └── shared
│       └── config
│           ├── dev.config.json
│           ├── dist.config.json
│           └── karma.config.js
├── assets
│   ├── images
│   │   └──
│   ├── js
│   │   └──
│   └── less
│       ├── app-custom.less
│       └── bootstrap
│           └── overrides
│               ├──
│               └── variables.less
├── bower.json
├── dist
│   └── docs
├── index.html
└── package.json

Notable entries

  • Linting / coding style support with JSHint, JSCS, and EditorConfig config files
  • Source files for your app resides inside app. There you can find two main files, app.module.js and app.routes.js, and two main directories: components and shared.
    • app.module.js is for the main app module (you don't say), and for any run or config block you may need.
    • app.routes.js is where you configure ui.router routes, interceptors, and so on
    • components is the directory where you put source files of things that can be organized in logical blocks a.k.a. components. One sample block, home, comes with the generator and as you can see it contains every part of the home component: a controller, a controller spec file for unit testing, and a template.
    • shared is where you put source files of things you plan to reuse on application-wide basis. Some custom directives, filters, general purpose services (e.g. a pagination service) usually reside here.
      In shared/config, besides the configuration file for the Karma test runner, you'll find two configuration files for your app.
  • assets contains assets like images and Less files. Customize your Bootstrap build by editing assets/less/bootstrap/overrides, organize your custom Less classes and imports using assets/less/app-custom.less as a starting point.


The generated app is ready for TDD. Here's a typical development cycle:

  1. grunt serve
  2. (If working on feature requiring JS code) Create / edit a spec file, the watcher launches the test suite, sends a LiveReload message, then keeps watching for modifications
  3. Create / edit a JS / Less / HTML template file, the watcher does its thing again
  4. Repeat 2. and 3. ad libitum
  5. ctrl c to stop the {watch|serv}er

Caveat: the watcher doesn't react to newly created files, meaning you'll have to manually stop and restart the cycle for it to start watching over new files.

Naming conventions

The Gruntfile and Karma config expect you to follow some naming conventions.

  • xyz.controller.js for controllers
  • xyz.factory.js for factories
  • xyz.service.js for services
  • and so on for filters, directives, interceptors, etc
  • xyz.{controller|factory|service|filter|...}.spec.js for spec files
  • xyz.template.html for templates

Example: a component

└── components
    └── home
        ├── home.controller.js
        ├── home.controller.spec.js
        └── home.template.html

Example: a custom directive

└── shared
    └── directives
        └── my-custom-directive
            ├── my-custom-directive.directive.js
            ├── my-custom-directive.directive.spec.js
            └── my-custom-directive.directive.template.html

Every controller, factory, etc. should be kept into its own module. Such module should:

  • Start with app
  • Continue with a proper plural group (e.g. controllers, filters, services, and so on)
  • Be all lowercase

Example: a controller

angular.module('app.controllers.home', [])

	.controller('homeController', function() {
	  // stuff

Example: a service

angular.module('', [])

  .service('batmanService', function() {
		// stuff

Modules can be then injected as needed.

Example: a controller depending on a service

angular.module('app.controllers.mycontroller', [

  .controller('myController', function(batmanService) {
		// stuff
Everything except directives

Be clear, not concise. Use the type of Angular thing in the thing's name (but not in the thing's module name).

  • someController, app.controllers.some
  • oneSpecialService,
  • heyLookAThreeHeadedFactory, app.factories.heylookathreeheaded
  • ...

Directives are, IIRC, the only Angular thing without their type in their name.

Example: myCrazyProgressBar, app.directives.mycrazyprogressbar

Adding new libraries

Third-party libraries / packages / modules are supposed to come from Bower or npm. I didn't need anything else so far.

Adding a Bower component
  • ctrl c to stop the {serve|watch}er
  • bower install --save <the-component> or edit bower.json to install the component
  • grunt serve to restart the {serve|watch}er

Wiredep will perform its magic and update index.html for you, adding proper pointers to the new .js and / or .css files.

Adding a node package
  • ctrl c to stop the {serve|watch}er
  • npm install --save <the-package> or edit package.json to install the component
  • Edit index.html to manually add proper pointers to the new files, but stay away from the Wiredep and Usemin blocks. They are marked by comments like these:
<!-- build:css(.) styles/vendor.css -->
<!-- bower:css -->
  • grunt serve to restart the {serve|watch}er

BTW, I consider a best practice to use Bower for libraries needed by the application you are developing, and npm for libraries needed by Grunt or any other infrastructural tool you might want to use.


The generated app has a good enough support for your i18n needs, by using the way more than good enough angular-gettext.

How it works

Look at this code snippet from app.module.js:

var lang = navigator.languages ? navigator.languages[0] : (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage);
lang = lang.substring(0,2);

gettextCatalog.loadRemote(ENV.I18N.BASE_URL + lang + '.json');
// Useful for debugging:
// gettextCatalog.debug = true;
// gettextCatalog.showTranslatedMarkers = true;

The lang variable gets its value from the current language of your browser (usally found under settings / content or something like that), and it's a two-characters language code (e.g. en for English, it for Italian).

That is then used to configure the gettextCatalog and make it load the right JSON file containing all your translated strings.

How to create to-be-translated strings

First you have to mark some strings so that angular-gettext will be able to recognize, extract, and put them inside gettext files.
The best way to learn how to do this, is to read about it in the official docs for angular-gettext.

Once you have some strings marked, stop the {watch|serv}er and launch grunt nggettext_extract to extract the strings from your code and populate –or update– the gettext files in the po directory.

How to translate strings

Then it becomes a matter of working with gettext. What I do is:

  1. Extract the strings as explained above Open the amazing Poedit
  2. If it's the first time I'm translating a given application in a given language:
  • Choose Create a new translation
  • Choose the po/template.pot gettext catalog
  • Choose the language (e.g. English)
  • Translate away and save inside po with the suggested filename (which is that two-characters code we saw above in How it works)
  1. If I'm adding strings to a translation I already have:
    • Choose Edit a translation
    • Choose the po/<two-characters code>.po file you want to edit (leave the .mo ones alone)
    • This is important: choose Catalog / Update from POT File... from the application menu
    • Choose the po/template.pot catalog file
    • Translate away and save over the existing .po file

This will take care of the gettext part.

How to import translated strings back into the Angular app

You'll now have to import back the updated gettext files inside your app.

Well, there's a Grunt task for that: grunt nggettext_compile.
But even better, you don't really have to manually execute it, because both grunt serve (you already know about it) and grunt dist / grunt dist-package (keep on reading for these two, or jump to Production) take care of it.

Just go on as usual –for example with a grunt serve.
nggettext_compile will also be executed, JSON files will be created or updated, and the application will load them at the next manual page refresh (LiveReload doesn't apply here).


ngDoc is a recent addition. TODO description.


As you may already know if you read about naming conventions up there, spec files should be created beside the source file they are related to.

Example: spec file for a controller

└── components
    └── home
        ├── home.controller.js
        ├── home.controller.spec.js

Unit tests get executed by the watcher whenever needed. There's also a grunt test task, just in case.

You'll find a test coverage report in tmp/coverage.


Once you are ready for a deploy or a release, it's time to build a dist.

  • Check the dist version of your app's configuration in app/shared/config/dist.config.json
  • Launch grunt dist

Then copy the generated –or updated– dist directory and use it as you most like.

Or run grunt dist-package to create a packaged build in tmp/build.

Grunt tasks

Here's a list of the most useful grunt tasks at your disposal. The omitted ones are internal and helper tasks that you are not supposed to ever need using.

Task What it's for
serve Builds and serves the development version of the app on port 9001, and watches for changes in the source files
dist Builds the production version of the app
dist-package Creates a packaged build in tmp/build
nggettext_extract Extracts the i18n strings you chose by annotating source files, and saves them into gettext files ready to be translated
test Executes unit tests


TO BE EXPANDED – help wanted

dev.config.json is used in development (e.g. grunt serve), while dist.config.json is used in production (e.g. grunt dist and grunt dist-package).
They are but stubs, samples. You are free to organize and expand on them as you wish. Their contents will be available wherever you inject app.config and pass the ENV service.
Example: var myRESTBackend = ENV.BACKEND.URL.FULL;

Compatible packages

I started to open source some packages I, for one, find useful in my work.
They are a small but growing bunch of services, directives, etc, following the same opinionated practices and conventions you were so kind and patient to read about in this very guide.

Known issues

None at this moment.


MIT – see license file.


Opinionated enterprise AngularJS + Karma + Grunt, by Trumbitta








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