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Running web server

Dave Johnson edited this page Nov 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

MrGeo contains a built-in web server providing OGC services. It utilizes an embedded Jetty server, and it supports both HTTP and HTTPS. The first step is of course to build and install MrGeo. You can either build the full MrGeo or a web services only MrGeo as described in MrGeo-Build-Instructions and then install as described in Installation.

If you installed a web services only build of MrGeo, then you need to run the MrGeo web server through Java:

java -cp $MRGEO_COMMON_DIR/*:$MRGEO_COMMON_DIR/lib/* org.mrgeo.cmd.MrGeo webserver

If you installed the full MrGeo onto the master node of a Hadoop cluster, then you can simply run:

mrgeo webserver

In either case, there are arguments available for the web server as well:

Argument Description
-d,--debug Debug (very verbose) logging
-h,--help Display help for this command
-hs,--host The host on which the server will listen (default ALL interfaces (
-ks,--keystore Name and location of the Java keystore (default $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts)
-p,--port The port on which the server will listen (default 8080)
-pw,--password Keystore password (prefix with "OBF:" to use a Jetty obfuscated password)
-sc,--secure Enable the ssl (https) interface. You MUST at least include the --password option as well
-st,--singleThreaded Specify this argument in order to run the web server in essentially single-threaded mode for processing one request at a time
-v,--verbose Verbose logging