To install this library, run:
$ npm install nn-angular-tree --save
and then from your Angular AppModule
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
// Import tree module
import { NNTreeModule } from 'nn-angular-tree';
declarations: [
imports: [
// tree module
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
<!-- You can now use tree component in app.component.html -->
<nn-tree [root]="root">
<ng-template let-node="node" #nnTreeItem>
<!-- you can custom tree item by relace this item with your item -->
<nn-tree-item [node]="node"></nn-tree-item>
with root follow NNTreeNode class
let root = {label:'root', open: true ,children:[
{label: 'child 1'},
{label: 'child 2'},
{label: 'child 3'}
- Single/Multiple selection and custom selection with [canSelect]
- Customizable tree item.
- Lazy loading
- Support a large tree wirh virtual scrolling
- Filtering
- showRoot:boolean mean display or hide root node
- loadingIcon:string is url of icon when using lazy loading feature
- loadingText:string is a message text display when wait for load node.
- height/width:number for change size of tree
- canSelect is a function with input is NNTreeNode and return boolean. if true, this node can selected, if false this node can be selected. User can custom selection by implement a function and pass it to this property.
- selectionMode: string support none/single/multiple selection
- selectedNodes is an array of selected nodes.
- selectionChange: $event is new select node:NNTreeNode
- openNode: $event is opened node:NNTreeNode
- closeNode: $event is closed node:NNTreeNode
<nn-tree [root]="root" (openNode)="onOpenNode($event)">
<ng-template let-node="node" #nnTreeItem>
<nn-tree-item [node]="node"></nn-tree-item>
Online demo
Example source here
MIT © Nguyen Khoa Nam