A generator for conan-based projects.
Allows to generate an initial structure of the project (library) that uses Conan that includes all boring stuff (cmake-scripts, initial sample sources) and is ready for further development
usage: project_generator.py [-h] -t project-type -d dir-path -n name -N camel-name [--header-only] [--corporate-tag corporate-tag]
Generate conan-based project stub (a starter)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t project-type, --project-type project-type
Project type (allowed values: 'app', 'lib')
-d dir-path, --dir-path dir-path
Directory where to generate a stub project
-n name, --name name Project name
-N camel-name, --camel-name camel-name
CamelNaming project name (used in 'conanfile.py')
--header-only The library is header-only
--corporate-tag corporate-tag
Add a corporate tag, used as a top level namespace
Example commands to create a library.
# Create library project:
python ./project_generator.py -t lib -n cool_lib -N CoolLib -d /tmp/cool_lib
# Or:
python ./project_generator.py \
--project-type lib \
--name cool_lib \
--camel-name CoolLib \
--dir-path /tmp/cool_lib
# Header only:
python ./project_generator.py \
--project-type lib \
--name cool_lib \
--camel-name CoolLib \
--dir-path /tmp/cool_lib \
# With corporate tag:
python ./project_generator.py \
--project-type lib \
--name cool_lib \
--camel-name CoolLib \
--dir-path /tmp/cool_lib \
--corporate-tag kola
Sample commands to build the generated project
On Linux:
conan install . -pr:a my_profile --build missing -of build_dir
(source ./build_dir/conanbuild.sh && cmake -Bbuild_dir . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=build_dir/conan_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release)
cmake --build build_dir -j $(nproc) --verbose
# Build with ubu-gcc11 profile
conan install . -pr:a ubu-gcc11 --build missing -s:a build_type=Debug -of _build
(source ./_build/conanbuild.sh && cmake -B_build . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=_build/conan_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug)
cmake --build _build -j 6 --verbose
On Windows:
conan install . -pr:a my_profile --build missing -of build_dir
cmake -Bbuild_dir . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=build_dir/conan_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build_dir -j %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% --verbose --config Release
# Build with vs2022 profile
conan install . -pr:a vs2022 --build missing -s:a build_type=Debug -of _build
cmake -B_build . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=_build/conan_toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build _build -j 6 --verbose --config Debug