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File metadata and controls

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ggg, ggg2022, ggg201b

Lab 7 outline - assembly assembly assembly! - GGG 201(b) lab, Feb 18, 2022


(Permanent link on github)


Homework #1 review

Everyone did great!

The most common problem was not putting any filtration rules in the bcftools filter command, so the sens and spec VCF files were identical. Detecting that involved comparing or inspecting the VCF output; I did a quick check like so,

grep -v ^# VCF_FILE | wc -l

Other than that, most other problems involved confused Snakefiles and could have been detected by:

snakemake -j 2 --delete-all-outputs
snakemake -j 2

The trickiest problem I saw was where people were not downloading the right FASTQ data files. It turns out that if you don't have a good FASTQ file, everything still runs without error - you just don't get any variants!! So you've gotta look at the variant call file.

tl;dr always look at the file sizes of the inputs, and always inspect the outputs!

'expand' vs wildcards



rule all:
            sample=['sample1', 'sample2'])


rule all:


rule all:

which of these three will work?

::::spoiler (a) and (b) are identical - the 'expand' produces a set of concrete targets.

(c) is fishy because wildcards must always appear in input and output both.

expand usually only shows up in rules with only an input: block. ::::

More assembly!

Log into farm

Log into farm, request a node, and change into week 5's result directory:

srun --nodes=1 -p high2 -t 1:00:00 -c 4 --mem 6GB --pty /bin/bash

activate the assembly conda environment:

conda activate assembly

and then change to the right directory:

cd ~/ggg201-week5/

If you didn't finish running prokka two weeks ago, you might want to copy lab5 results over from my directory: ::::spoiler

mkdir -p ~/ggg201-week5/
cd ~/ggg201-week5/
unzip -o ~ctbrown/transfer/


Automating an assembly workflow

You'll probably need to install snakemake-minimal, first:

mamba install snakemake-minimal

while that's going on, let's look at...

Some starting rules for an assembly Snakefile

(Based on lab 5.)

rule annotate:
    shell: """                                                                
       prokka --prefix {output} {input}                                       

rule assemble:
        r1 = "SRR2584857_1.fastq.gz",
        r2 = "SRR2584857_2.fastq.gz"
        dir = directory("SRR2584857_assembly"),
        assembly = "SRR2584857-assembly.fa"
    shell: """                                                                
       megahit -1 {input.r1} -2 {input.r2} -f -m 5e9 -t 4 -o {output.dir}     
       cp {output.dir}/final.contigs.fa {output.assembly}                     

rule quast:
    shell: """                                                                
       quast {input} -o {output}                                              

Put these in a Snakefile and try running each of these by name to see if there are any syntax errors:

snakemake -j 1 assemble
snakemake -j 1 annotate
snakemake -j 1 quast

::::info How do we count the number of genes in an assembled genome? ::::


  • how would we add in wildcards here?
  • what's a good default rule, i.e. what targets should go in it?

::::info Your prokka annotation may not run depending on what version you have installed. If you see that 'hmmer' fails, you may need to run the following commands:

mamba install -y perl-app-cpanminus
cpanm Bio::SearchIO::hmmer --force

see this github issue for more information. ::::

A snakemake rule for subsampling reads

rule subset_100k:
        r1 = "SRR2584857_1.fastq.gz",
        r2 = "SRR2584857_2.fastq.gz",
        r1 = "SRR2584857.sub100k_1.fastq.gz",
        r2 = "SRR2584857.sub100k_2.fastq.gz",
    shell: """                                                                
        gunzip -c {input.r1} | head -400000 | gzip > {output.r1} || true      
        gunzip -c {input.r2} | head -400000 | gzip > {output.r2} || true      

what's going on here?

::::info How do we count the number of reads in a file?

And how do we turn that into an estimate of coverage? ::::