githubcommit is a jupyter notebook extension enabling users push ipython notebooks to a git repo. The git button gets displayed in the notebook toolbar. After saving any notebook the user can push notebook to pre-specified git repository. There are few environment variables that must be exported. Currently this extension supports commits to a single github repo defined in environment variable but in the long run need help to modify this extension allowing user to select his repo and branch.
You can currently install this directly from git:
pip install git+
jupyter serverextension enable --py githubcommit
jupyter nbextension install --py githubcommit
To enable this extension for all notebooks:
jupyter nbextension enable --py githubcommit
- Install package using above commands
- Create Git repo where notebooks will be pushed if not already exists and clone it in home directory
- Clone this repo as well in home directory
- Replace the values in present in this repo itself
- Run the command - source ~/githubcommit/
- Configure ssh key (present in ~/.ssh/ or specified location) in github account
- Run jupyter notebook from within your repo directory
export GIT_REPO_NAME=gitjupyter
export GIT_BRANCH_NAME=master
export GIT_USER=sat28
export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=#access-token from github developer settings
export GIT_USER_UPSTREAM=sat28
Thanks to for laying the foundation of this extension.
Thanks to for support.